View Full Version : Its because we are all intelligent!!

07-08-10, 08:27
When I first discussed anxiety and panic with my GP, he told me that it was known as a disorder amongst the white collar workers. That its tends to be the more intelligent people as they are able to think more thoroughly and think ahead.

I took it as a compliment and believe that he is absolutley right but sometimes think - I wish I wasnt so intelligent after all :wacko:

Maybe it would be nice??

07-08-10, 08:51
Bravo to the GP, I have always believed it is because we look at things further than most but to have the official rating from a medic woohoo... the woes of being a clever clogs hey...

Joking aside I have to agree, it is like a curse though if only we could be dense, self centred and oblivious to things wouldnt life be so simple.

Thank you x

Vanilla Sky
07-08-10, 11:35
Makes sense to me !!! :D

07-08-10, 11:39
Yes the woes of being intelligent! lol

07-08-10, 12:32
i agree :)

07-08-10, 22:37
I have come across this one as well; it does seem, in general, that people who are anxious can turn in decent IQ scores. I have raged about this in the past; I remember once ranting at my ex-husband about it when I was in the grip of a particularly bad bout anxiety and saying that if I was stupid, I wouldn't be like this.

Kerry B
07-08-10, 22:40
We should all take this as a compliment even though I would rather be laid back xx

08-08-10, 03:41
Ignorance is bliss.....now you know why!:winks:

08-08-10, 10:43
I used to be labelled so laid back I was horizontal...does this mean I am getting more intelligent?
Just think of Stephen Fry. Superbly intelligent man and suffers bipolar disorder! Curse intelligence!

08-08-10, 11:09
haha its so true...!

sometimes i wish i was a little dimmer than i am :P

08-08-10, 12:40
:lac:I would like to take some time to reflect upon this statement, to facilitate the emergence, in the fullness of time, of a considered view on the object of discourse.

I would, however, given the immediacy of the situation perhaps point to the occurrence of mental illness in many great people; Winston Churchill, John Nash, come immediately to mind. Indeed John Nash stopped his medication for Schizophrenia precisely because it interfered with his cognitive processes. Depression, in particular, has been linked to intelligence perhaps due to the tendency of depression to turn sufferers in on themselves and seek solace in solitary study.

oneofus BSc (Hons), MSc, Phd.

margaret jones
08-08-10, 13:21
This is so true i wish i was more laid back sometimes but it is not to be

Maggie xxxxxxxxxxxx:)

08-08-10, 19:58
Could not agree more - although you wont find many people disagreeing when someone calls them intelligent ;)

08-08-10, 22:01
Oneofus - Thats just what I was thinking :)