View Full Version : constantly aware of my heart beating

07-08-10, 09:02
grrrrrrr i cant take this anymore i can constantly sense my heart beat and when i lye down its worse i can see it beating in my chest and stomach. even tho it beats normal, sometime slow and when i think to much it races but its always there, when i sit i can feel it in my back. to me it seems to beat very hard. surely this isn't normal, have been to docs they told me it part of my anxiety as i have health anxiety about my heart and its just me being over aware of it, but it ruining my life. can anyone relate?
zoe x

07-08-10, 09:24
i feel this all the time and the strange thing is when its not happening i panic and try n find my pulse 2 make sure mt heart hasnt stopped because im tht used 2 it beating so hard hope this lets u no ur not alone :)
katie x

07-08-10, 10:14
Snap! I'm sat here now and I can feel it all over, my back, chest, hands, feet.

07-08-10, 13:33
Yep I'm constantly aware of my heart beat, I can ALWAYS feel it somewhere in my body to the point where if I have a rare occasion when I can't, I freak out and think it's stopped. When I'm havin a real bad day I can feel it in every inch of me no matter how I position myself or try to block it out. I jus take it as a sign of a nice strong heart now! xx

07-08-10, 13:41
I am very aware of my heart beating because of the tachycardia I get with the anxiety/panic. I used to take my pulse constantly. I do still take the pulse, but not as much as I used to. I have found distraction and trying not to fear it helpful.

07-08-10, 15:27
Yep i hear my heart beating constantly in my head which makes me anxious something isnt right then all of a sudden its like it takes one huge big beat which makes me check my pulse in my neck (this i can do on the sly without anyone noticing) so i can make sure my heart rate is ok then as soon as i take my hand away its like my heart still flutters.. but the pound pound pound is still there and is so loud even in the dead of night its all i can hear and nothing makes it go

07-08-10, 16:09

I am very thin (recently lost weight due to worry) and can feel my heart bounding all the time. Drives me mad, especially at night as I feel that I cant ever rest properly.

08-08-10, 00:35
thanks everyone i thought i was going out of my mind it really reassuring to know im not on my own. im just finding it hard to accept this bloody anxiety :weep: just wish it would go away thanks again
zoe x

08-08-10, 12:01
I get this a lot as well, although it does tend to come and go dependent upon how occupied the rest of my mind is. I know it's a result of being hyper-aware of your own body, but it's very difficult to get rid of.

Calvin Harris
17-04-16, 11:17
How did you guys go with this symptom any luck overcoming?

17-04-16, 11:33
I used to get this all of the time, I'm still here, now when I do get it, I just turn it into a positive of at least my heart is still beating, it means I'm alive.

15-05-16, 18:02
Hav this arm myself