View Full Version : Can anxiety cause cystitis type of symptoms?

07-08-10, 09:20

I've been suffering with a stinging sensation
when I go to the loo for a pee. Have had tests at
the docs for water infections/thrush/STi's and all
have come back negative.

I was prescribed antibiotics incase it
was prostatitis but the stinging is still there.
I was scared it was bladder/kidney/prostate cancer
but my GP told me this was unlikely at my age and these didn't present in a stinging sensation when you go to the loo.

I have pretty much forgotten what it's like to live without at least some form of stress but I'm struggling to see how a sort of cystitis type of discomfort could be caused by anxiety. Its really starting to get me down. If anyone has experienced similar then I'd be grateful for any words/pointers.



07-08-10, 09:25
hi I don't have an answer I'm afraid but I hope that it can be resolved, what I would say is ensure that you are drinking lots of fluid and cranberry juice is a good flush for the system.


07-08-10, 10:24
Thanks Sharon.

I've tried all of the traditional symptoms (cranberry juice, bicarb of soda) but as the docs have found no bacterial infection this hasn't worked at all. I've been reading that certain types of cystitits and prostatitis can be brought on by anxiety. I'm terrified that I'm doing myself REAL physical damage. Please, can anyone reassure??

07-08-10, 10:32
Hi there,
I get this because i go to the toilet so much some times dont even go just feel like i need to.Anxiety is coursing this i think

07-08-10, 15:23
ive had this, i really felt like i had an uti but tests showed nothing. so it could be anxiety?

sarah x

07-08-10, 18:22
I have had this too, it lasted for ages until something new came up for me to worry about. I had test after test and they all showed negative. I found a good herbalist and that helped a bit. It is weird to think that something as specific as UTI symptoms can be caused by stress and anxiety but really it seems that is the case. There is a suplement called D Manose which I used to take and I found that helpful as well, I think you can buy it online and certain health food shops stock it.

07-08-10, 20:11
Yeah, I've been getting UTI symptoms alot since my anxiety got worse at the beginning of the year & my urine sample tests & stuff have all come back negative.

The way I see it, if anxiety can effect your bowls [IBS] why not your bladder too? It's a big possibility...

07-08-10, 20:17
There is actually a condition called iritable bladder which is like a bladder version of IBS and is connected to stress. As you say 87sal87, it makes sense.

07-08-10, 20:18
When your anxious for a long time your defences are weakened, you are more vulnerable to other physical complaints. During the first year following my breakdown 4 years ago I was in the doctors repeatedly with ear, eye, throat, chest infections, breast fibroids and much more.
They are all minor, the anxieties that they cause is'nt. Please seek reassurance from your gp about any worries, you dont need un-necessary anxieties
Love Jan

07-08-10, 22:02
Thanks for the replies everyone, it's very much appreciated.

It's really hard to believe that this could be caused by anxiety. The symptoms aren't crippling, just very uncomfortable. There is also a type of cystitis (interstitial cystitis) which seems can be brought about by stress but I think that there is still a lot of research that is being done into the causes. It's helpful to know that there are others out there who suffer from acute anxiety and have had similar symptoms. I've been having quite bad palpatations lately too - lasting days sometimes so perhaps this is another sign of my stress levels getting too high. I'm so tired of dealing with the physical symptoms of anxiety, I wish I could be one of those people who simply don't have to deal with this in their lives.

31-05-13, 14:05
I had a horrible acute anxiety/stress reaction for 4 days, constant. and now need to pee more and fear UTI. Can the fear, anxiety, thoughts create these symptoms in the body?

---------- Post added at 13:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------


31-05-13, 15:44
Yes and for women one of the best ways to ease it is by inserting some natural yogurt, with men that is probably not an option :ohmy:, I had it really bad when I first got UC, anxiety was the cause lasted for about 6 weeks and then the yogurt eased it.
I was also checked for infections but none turned up that time.
I was told to make sure you drink plenty so that their is a flush happening when you go loo.

01-06-13, 12:25
Thanks. I talked to a nurse yesterday and said that such a powerful reaction to acute stress/anxiety can cause it and she did not seemed to worried. After that conversation the need to urinate was gone.

Now there's an aching going on but Im guessing its from overuse of the muscles/bladder whatever that was under such high pressure of some sort.

A penny for your thoughts. Also, if I happen to refocus or get scared of it again it sends me straight down the path again. But Im working on staying away from those thoughts.

02-06-13, 07:03
Bump up :)

02-06-13, 08:38
There are over 100 symptoms of anxiety. If you go to google put this in the search bar and you will find an article listing them all. Its amazing how you think that your anxiety wont affect certain parts of your body but it does. The only problem is knowing when the line crosses and its physical rather then mental..

02-06-13, 15:46
I've suffered from cystitis for over ten years and what I will say is I can go months and months all fine, yet if I have an anxiety attack, it comes back with vengeance. It's not the most comfortable thing either. X

30-10-14, 04:24
Thanks. I talked to a nurse yesterday and said that such a powerful reaction to acute stress/anxiety can cause it and she did not seemed to worried. After that conversation the need to urinate was gone.

Now there's an aching going on but Im guessing its from overuse of the muscles/bladder whatever that was under such high pressure of some sort.

A penny for your thoughts. Also, if I happen to refocus or get scared of it again it sends me straight down the path again. But Im working on staying away from those thoughts.

Hi New to this site thank you, after reading this my symptoms went! I have been so stressed and anxious your input appreciated!