View Full Version : had enuff

07-08-10, 10:21
really had enuff now all my benfit were stoped cos of roys ex being vindictive so iv ad no money for 3 weeks getting by throw hand outs of food and burrowing money to get gas and electric........ well yesturday i got a crises loanof 127 quid great i thort well till this morning when i find out roys blown 90 of it of an online slot machine then he tells me he has to give the other 30 to his ex for his kids im so angary beyond anything iv been im stressing like hella t amelia and its not her fualt its his its always him i swear his making me ill on purporse i just frenk a full bottle of promazine and now sat here with all my meds think why the hell not cos iv really got to the point where i dont care anymore iv written a sigh of conesent that mymum gets custady of amelia cos roys unfit to look after her i mean why should i put up with this, ...... if thats not enuff most of you knowthati hear bocies and all this stress has baught them on and not only that iv gaind to new ones whichmeans i have 5 now and seriously had enuff of everything i dot no no if i can trusht any one really why should i cos everyone lets me down no one really cares i dont even no why om righting this cos no one can help me im beond help and i just want it all to STOP

grrrrrrrrrrr im cracking the hell up and i really really had enuff

sorry hopers

07-08-10, 10:27
Ameila is your reason Hopers and so are you... I'm so sorry to hear about the money don't you let him take food from your plates and table, how dare he, that is your money for your household not his ex's.

Do some online food shopping so it is spent then he cannot take it tell him that the £30 he needed for his kids can be found on the online gambling site he used.

Oh thats my rant over.. Hopers, don't give up, you deserve to be looked after rahhh I could hit the man myself if only I was a man I would...lol.

I wish I could help where are you based.. I will try and get you some food for the weekend... x

07-08-10, 11:57
thansk sharon your so kind i live in mancester i want to hit him to but he would just batter me i ahe alittle food in to feed melie til i think monday or tuesday im to ill to eat all this stres and decet has made me metal worse with an increas of my vocies and risky behavuoir i just think why should i try cos i get no where and it just seems and endless cirlce of sadness


07-08-10, 12:07
What an absolute bxxxtard doing that to you...... can't believe such people exist. If I wasn't 150 miles away, I'd rush up and give you a load of food as well .... thats terrible. Can't you get away from him...... you'd surely be much better without him.

07-08-10, 12:27
Hopers ... You know what is right and wrong but I told you once before that anything you do has to be your decision we will be there to support you no matter what you decide to do.

What I will no what I have to say is ...yes you are right these types of people know what buttons to push and I strongly believe must take some enjoyment from watching you hurt, so if nothing else then please find the strength in you to hold your head up, ignore the voices as best you can and look after yourself and your family... sod him at the moment sod his children they have someone to look after them right now think of you and yours... let your little girl see that mummy adores her and is her mummy ... and do something fun, finger painting anything just look happy spend time doing an activity and before you know it you will be feeling better and that will be a total kick in the teeth to the moron man who cannot see past his own selfishness.... there is always someone on here to talk to so don't let him win he may have the money but you keep your pride and hold on in there, love is a funny thing hun... he may see another side to you one day and I wish for one that I could see his face when it happens... but DO NOT give in ... hugs and hugs x

07-08-10, 21:30
i jsut got further bad news a friend of mine for meny year has died but i olt just found out she died 8 monhs ago and i had no idea im really gutter shes was a good frind i lived with er for a short time and she was an amzing person full of wrmth and love i miss her terrbily im so gutted i never new to now i new she was gonna die but i just dint relise the tiem that had past she sufferd with cancer and copd bles you penny i love you xxxxxxxxx

furth on the roy thing hes become very bossy teeling me what to say and do looking after th ekids doing everything i havnt sleptin 11 days and with all that his donei feel like im gonna burst i jsut cant seem to anythign right always seem to be in the rong i just wish i had the power to end all this take contorll but iv seen the nasty sdie of roy and itscreas me he can be violent i just wish i had never had gone out with him in the firt place but then i would have amelia i hate myself so much i started sh again to day and it sucjs that im so low and desbrate to sope that i would do this im scred to phone any one incase he souts at me i jut want it all to stop now
