View Full Version : performance-related anxiety

23-02-06, 10:21
Brand new to this site. What I've been experiencing on and off for more than 20 years is something I've never heard of anyone else having. I am a singer and when I am faced with an upcoming engagement, usually in the realm of classical singing (I also do musical theatre which is less stressful) I start getting very powerful tensions in my chest below the sternum, which I assume is my diaphragm going into and staying in long-term spasm. This makes breathing an effort and singing very difficult. I have backed off singing opera for this reason but recently decided to give it another try since my technical progress has been tremendous recently with the help of a great teacher. So now I have an audition and a recital scheduled and whammo - got socked with the old tension. Over the years I have tried therapy to minimal effect. About 4 years ago I started seeing an accupuncturist and that, combined with yoga and very good singing/breathing work with my teacher seemed to have solved it for a time. Now it's all come back with a vengeance with these upcoming events. I take good care of myself, exercise (though not enough aerobics), do yoga and dance classes regularly. I am devastated at this latest manifestation. I had felt very very good about my singing and ready to conquer the world. Anyone have any suggestions or info on this kind of thing? Thanks for listening.


23-02-06, 10:25
michelle i no people are probably sick of hearing me say this and i apologise to them. but pick yourself up a copy of claire weekes book "self help for your nerves". follow her instructions to a t and see what you think. if this is anxiety related which i believe it to be, in my opinion this is the book to read, it is available in most book stores and in amazon. your doing all the right things, what a talent you have you must be very proud of it

let me no how you get on

take care

23-02-06, 10:32
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum.

If i were you i would definantly take jackie's advice on the books, other than that there will be alot of very good advice you will be able to pick up on here.

Take Care


23-02-06, 10:40
Thanks Jackie and Alexandra, I will find that book.


23-02-06, 10:46
Hi Michelle,

You can find Claire Weekes books at www.Amazon.co.uk

I ordered mine yesterday, looking forward to them arriving soon.

Good luck with the singing.

Take Care


23-02-06, 10:47
Hi Michelle,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-02-06, 15:24
Hi Michelle and welcome to the site.

23-02-06, 18:10
Hi Michelle

Welcome to the forum.

I was at a hypnosis training workshop recently and saw someone with a similar difficulty to what you are describing being successfully treated with hypnosis. Is this something you have tried or considered?

The therapist was using a method called the Rewind Technique (http://www.rewindtechnique.com) or sometimes called the Fast Phobia Cure (http://www.psychotherapy-center.com/nlp_phobia_trauma_ptsd_treatment.html). The person involved went on to sing in front of us and it was the first time she had been able to perform for a number of years.

Of course, different treatments work for different people but it could be worth considering.

I hope you find something that works for you.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

23-02-06, 20:13
Hi Michelle

Just wanted to welcome you aboard.


23-02-06, 21:06
Welcome to the forum, Michelle.

I hope you can find a long-lasting solution to this issue so your career will take off.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-02-06, 13:34

It is extremely common for performers to have this. You are doing all the right things especially the breathing.

You may find a pre performance dose of propanolol is all you need to help you through the worst ones. May be worth discussing with your doctor.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

25-02-06, 05:03
Thanks to one and all for all the caring advice. I have already ordered the Claire Weekes books, will investigate CBT now that I know what it is, and also hypnosis - I had thought of that in the past but never followed through. Meanwhile, my voice teacher is being extremely supportive. But she and my accupuncturist are so far the only ones I've even told about this. So I appreciate the support on this site very very much.


25-02-06, 08:55
Welcome Michelle

Welcome to the site and I hope you find it really helps coming here...

You are not alone, I used to sing (not in the same way - I did backing vocals and vocal arrangements for a while) and with the anxiety plus some minor scarring to my vocal chords I can no longer even sing for pleasure without it hurting - i strained my voice because i could not relax...

I wish I had understood anxiety 20 years ago - how different things might have been! But thank goodness for this site and the better ways there are to get help these days.... I'm sure with all the advice you will find here you can tackle the problem and as it is basically the same as any other anxiety related symptom, can be conquered.

Good luck to you! xxxx

Fee xxxxxx