View Full Version : SSRI Vs Inositol

07-08-10, 11:32
Bit of background:

I've had problems with anxiety for around eight years now and have tried a number of different approaches:

I have to say that the CBT has been the most effective for me but its pretty expensive.

Sertraline didn't 'work' if I'm honest and I gave it a good crack staying on and trying different doses for two years. (I've been off a year now)

I've read 'The Poets' Inositol and Citralapram threads with interest and there is a LOT of useful information there.

My question is although my continued talking therapy (CBT approach) helps me help myself I would like something to compliment what I'm doing in the form of a drug or supplement.

My anxiety is pretty wide ranging and can be very intense (some days I'm fine others I'm not) and like I said has been a problem for circa eight years now.

I get the typical mind chatter and intense reactions to triggers etc.

What I'm asking (after this rambling post) is would people try Inositol before Citralapram in the quest to rid myself of the problem I have with anxiety?

By the way I'm a 'forty-something' male and married with children holding down a full time job.

Thanks for your time.

08-08-10, 16:46
Well thanks for all the replies on this one guys :roflmao:

I've ordered a pot of Inositol powder to give things a try but too be honest I'm thinking about giving Citralopram a crack as well.

The anxiety problems I have are really upsetting.

08-08-10, 17:34
As you've clearly tried a number of things and your anxiety is a longstanding issue I say do it. But I wonder if you're just running through the motions somewhat.

Sorry that comes across as being rude and I clearly know nothing about you, but you've listed them out like you're just trying everything, I hope you're giving everything a real chance and certainly combining treatments might prove better, as with any medication it can take time to find the right one. You said that CBT was effective with you too, but said it was expensive, I know access to CBT counsellors has improved in the last few years on the NHS have you tried that way to reduce the cost?

I feel for you and hope you find a treatment(or combination of) that works for you and you find the peace you want :)

08-08-10, 17:37
Hi Diver,

Sorry you never had any replies...sometimes takes a while for people to pick up the posts...but you eventually get a reply. I dont know alot about inositol....but I would certainly give that a try before trying citalopram....you never know unless you give it a go?? Sertraline belongs to the same family as citalopram (srri's) and though they work in different ways it may be worth you trying a different type of AD if you are thinking of going on one.

I am a sufferer of anxiety and sometimes depression myself and have tried different types of AD's citalopram being the one I took for 9 years on and off...I dont think anything cures but can help. The last bout I had started in October 09 and Cit didnt work for me so was given mirtazipine...this helped me back into work after 5 months off and has got me in a much stronger place...I have gained weight with it though so am currently coming off slowly. Someone on here suggested I try Pregabalin as this is now used to tread GAD and I feel this is what I suffer with, I have been taking this along with the mirtazipine for some time now and think it has helped alot....I intend to come off the mirt and stay on pregabalin see how I go on that.

I hope I have helped you a bit....hopefully you will get some more replies...let us know what you decide to do.

Take care

08-08-10, 17:50
Thanks for the replies - I wouldn't say I've been 'playing' at the various approaches to stop myself being anxious - but then I'm only seeing things from my own perspective.

I'll try the Inositol and report back.

08-08-10, 20:00
Hi Diver

I thinking trying the Inositol is a great idea - what have you got to lose? It's great you're having CBT, and I know what you mean about wanting a little extra help. I bought some Inositol recently, but then went into med withdrawal and couldn't get the tablets down my throat. So I will pick up with that again soon.

My GP has just given me an anti-histamine called Atarax which is also given to people with GAD. It is apparently like non-addictive Valium. I tried it last night and today (just a very low dose) and it did make me feel relaxed (but also very very sleepy - although apparently this wears off after a few days). I think the reason it isn't commonly prescribed is because it's very old, and not really thought of. Someone on another forum suggested I ask my GP about it.


09-08-10, 16:08
Thanks Dahlia

I've not heard of Atarax but just looked it up in my BNF copy. It appears the dose for anxiety is 50-100 four times daily.

What dose have you found to be helpful?

One thing though in the case of anxiety it is labled as short-use only.

How have you found this med against using SSRIs?


09-08-10, 19:15
Hi Divers

I've only been on Atarax for two days. I've withdrawn from olanzapine and was getting histamine type symptoms plus really bad nausea/vomiting and anxiety - and Atarax handles all of these symptoms in one. I took 12.5 (half the tablet) yesterday to see how it went, and I slept all afternoon!. So I took a whole tablet in the evening as I have had insomnia since withdrawal. Apparently the drowsiness wears off after a few days. I'm not sure I am going to take it everyday, otherwise I won't know whether I have got over the withdrawal symptoms.

To be honest, I was looking for a med that I could use instead of Valium, that was non-addictive, to be used for emergencies, really stressful situations etc. The problem with Atarax is, because it makes you drowsy for the first few days, it doesn't really lend itself to ad hoc usage (because presumably you'd have to go through all the drowsiness each time).

I am still taking sertraline - I guess once the withdrawal wears off, I'll get a true gauge of how well that is working. My feeling is - not terribly well.


10-08-10, 11:01
Thanks Dahlia

Not sure it is for me - I will carry on with the CBT and positive thinking, give the Insitol a crack when it arrives.

I use Diazepam on occassion which seems to help but it would be nice not to get to a state where I want to use it to quieten my mind.

Good luck with the Sertraline.