View Full Version : tightness of chest/diaphragm

23-02-06, 10:47
I'm cutting and pasting most of this from my Introduce Yourself post:

What I've been experiencing on and off for more than 20 years is something I've never heard of anyone else having. I am a singer and when I am faced with an upcoming engagement, usually in the realm of classical singing (I also do musical theatre which is less stressful) I start getting very powerful tensions in my chest below the sternum, which I assume is my diaphragm going into and staying in long-term spasm. This makes breathing an effort and singing very difficult. I have backed off singing opera for this reason but recently decided to give it another try since my technical progress has been tremendous recently with the help of a great teacher. So now I have an audition and a recital scheduled and whammo - got socked with the old tension. Over the years I have tried therapy to minimal effect. About 4 years ago I started seeing an accupuncturist and that, combined with yoga and very good singing/breathing work with my teacher seemed to have solved it for a time. Now it's all come back with a vengeance with these upcoming events. I take good care of myself, exercise (though not enough aerobics), do yoga and dance classes regularly. I am devastated at this latest manifestation. I had felt very very good about my singing and ready to conquer the world. Anyone have any suggestions or info on this kind of thing? Thanks for listening.


23-02-06, 11:16
Hi Michelle

The Claire Weekes books can be found at www.Amazon.co.uk or i should imagine possibly in your local book shop.

On here you will be able to get other good advice to.

Take Care


23-02-06, 12:19
Hi Michelle,

I have exactly the same tightness in my diaphram area as you, that's the main thing that happens to me when I get anxious - I'm not a singer though, I can't sing at all! Lol.
The reason it happens to me is that I suffer from hyperventilation and I am seeing a breathing therapist to help me learn to breathe better.
That helps, along with CBT and seeing a chiropractor.
If you think you hyperventilate too there is a good book on breathing by Dinah Bradley called hyperventilation syndrome, she also does one called self help for hyperventilation which is the one my breathing therapist recommends. I got them off amazon.

Good luck,


23-02-06, 15:57
Thanks, Lisa. I don't think I hyperventilate. But imagine trying to sing with that chest tightness! I am relieved to find I'm not the only human on the planet with this specific distress.

Please tell me what is CBT - I have seen it on this site a lot.


23-02-06, 16:11
cbt is cognitive behavioural therapy. it is a type of therapy that helps explain your bodily symptoms and gives you the tools to help you overcome the fear of them. it helps you see how your own thinking canaffect your body and much more. many swear by it. ask your gp to refere you

take care

23-02-06, 16:31

This is going to sound really odd, but I often get a tight sensation below my sternum too. I've discovered that for me it's because when I start feeling tense or stressed I swallow a lot. Often without me being aware I'm doing so. This inadvertently means I have a lot of air in my stomach and hence the tenseness. I also find if I don't eat properly then my stomach again is full of air and this prevents me from taking a good deep breath.

Hope you feel better soon, what you're doing sounds fantastic - musical theatre, wow!


Take time to smell the roses.

03-02-11, 05:46
I'm not sure how long this has lasted, it has been awhile. I'm 22 female, about 120 pounds, 5'4, Cacausion, normal period, on zoloft 50 mg(about 4 months now), smoke about 5 ciggs a day for about 2 years, no drugs use, no alcohol use.
I have a tight/fullness feeling right below my chest, (my diaphragm I think). I'm always really bloated. Shortness of breathe sometimes. Bubbly stomach. It is the most uncomfortable feeling in the world!!! Feels so tight right in the center of my body right below my chest.
Any possibilites?
I'm making a doctors app. tomorrow.

04-02-11, 12:00
Just came across this post. It is anxiety for all of us guys... I'm experiencing it today, and have a little over the last few days. Basically it's my main anxiety symptom this last week. I managed to have a panic attach over it the other night as it took me by surprise.
I know i am tensed and anxious as going away with hubby tomorrow for 2 nights and leaving my two kids with sis in law - this it the first time I am leaving my 18 month old behind. It's making my anxiety really bad...
I just received 2 books by Claire Weekes so looking forward to reading them!
Any idea if I can find anywhere on this site some breathing exercises?