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View Full Version : Anxiety Related Headaches

07-08-10, 16:36
Hello to everyone,

I wanted to build my knowledge of anxiety and the headaches that can be caused as a result of it..

I have had a long duration headache.. 2 weeks and 3 days to be exact :)

pain radiates from the back of the neck and sides of the head ( temples ) and across my forehead...

I have the seen the doctor on many occasions who assures of that anxiety and stress is the cause..

I just wanted to get some experiences of this anxiety symptom from those of you who have experienced something similar.. I havent suffered from HA for a long time.. so I'm a bit new to this..

Any reply is a good rely..
Thankyou :)

07-08-10, 16:38
the aches are predominatly on the left although it does switch sides sometiimes or its all over..

this is a 24/7 thing which just makes it so frustrating.


07-08-10, 17:11
any experiences would be greatly appreciated .. :yesyes:

07-08-10, 17:26
stabbing pains around the temples, achy forehead, sore neck - feels better when i rest my head against something.
I have been suffering from headaches for years and the first sign of one i take a paracetamol. I only recently (last week) thought that maybe the headaches were anxiety related so i did a bit of research and diagnosed myself with tension headaches!
I also discovered that you can get headaches which are caused by overuse of pain relievers. This is probably very much the case!
So I was very brave and each time a got a tinge of pain I tried not to think about it - and guess what - it went. It took about 3-4 days for it to go completely. I actually find that if i think about headaches I get one!!
So no more pain killers unless absolutley necessary!

07-08-10, 17:29
yeh sounds a lot like what I have been going through .. have you ever had one for that long though.. consistently ?

07-08-10, 19:05
I find that if I use 4head, that stuff you put on your forehead, and also the migracool strips together then its as good as using painkillers. I cant take painkillers for headaches anymore either because I have overused them in the past and now they cause even more of a headache!

07-08-10, 19:15
have you had this sort of headache for a duration of 2 weeks before ?

it just seems awfully long ??



07-08-10, 19:39
anyone else suffer from these headache ?

Any advice would be welcome or experiences :)



07-08-10, 20:35
yeah the best thing to do is keep well hydrated, exercise and get enough sleep

07-08-10, 20:48
you think 2 weeks is long lol - i had a tension headache for 3 years straight! i was under the headache clinic/pain clinic and it only started to go when i accepted it and not let it bother me because for 3 years i got myself in a panicked state over it and so of course - it persisted. i know several other people who have had this - my brother had one for 6 weeks and a friend of mine had a headache for about 6 months.

i still go through patches of bad headaches even now - the best thing you can do is to drink lots of water - 8 glasses a day - eat regularly, get up at the same time and go to bed at the same time and book yourself in for a massage - someone who does accupressure is the best as they can help release the tightness in your neck muscles x

07-08-10, 20:49
thanks for the reply randomworry.. how long did u suffer with it for ?

07-08-10, 20:56
can anyone else shed some light on this symptom for me ?

I just want to know if they really can last for weeks on end morning to night

please help !:D

07-08-10, 20:57
have you not read my post! i had one for 3 years straight so yes - they can last for weeks on end - make sure you have read my post lol x

07-08-10, 21:01
thanks for the reply.. wow .. 3 years !! lol that is incredible !! i feel bad for moaning about 2 weeks lol :D

What sort of symptoms did u have ... any tests done ?



07-08-10, 21:07
can you give me that link for that post please ? :yesyes:

07-08-10, 21:10
hi adam

its more common than you realise - i thought i was the only one but have since met other people who have had the same. basically - looking back - i was very stressed at that time in my life - i had always suffered with headaches but they started to run into each other and never really went. I then got myself really panicked about them - hence adding more tension and they got worse and worse until at one point - i was on the sofa for 3 weeks with a migraine - i basically had a breakdown but the headaches didn;t cause it - i was already very unhappy with my life and the headaches were a build up of stress. if i didn't have migraine - i had a constant feeling of a tight band around my head. i remember crying at the gps asking for a brain scan but i did not really have any other symptoms apart from feeling a bit strange/not with it and totally panicked all the time. My gp gave my prozac and after about 2 weeks it started to lift.

i had a scan for my sinuses and basic neurlogical tests where they check your reflexes but nothing more. funnily enough - pain is rare with a brain tumour but its the first thing you worry about!

now - i can feel headachey most days but it does not bother me. i think the main thing is getting over the fear that no one has a headache for more than a few days but it can happen although it does not mean you will have it for 3 years like me lol! my brother started with a headache that lasted 6 weeks but i don;t think he has had one since. i do know that the more you can accept it and not worry about it - the quicker it will lift xx

07-08-10, 21:10
the post is on page one of this thread x

07-08-10, 21:17
thankyou so much for taking the time to speak to me .... It's nice to know that I am not alone.. I find myself not wanting to do anything.. but thats no good for me as i dwell on things..

I have been to the docs about 6 times over the past two weeks .. they are sick of me i think lol..

they have done all the checks .. eyes .. ears...and orientation which all seemed fine.. I aslo paid the opticians a visit who checked my eyes and found them to be fine .. no pressure or fluid present.. so I felt like i could rule out something severe..

never the less im still worried and it has affected my ability to do anything..

i dont wanna go to work and i dont want to go out that much..

07-08-10, 21:29
i really don't think you have anything to worry about - it can be scary developing something you have not suffered with before but i am 100% sure it is classic tension headache which is not being helped by you constantly worrying about it! The best thing you can do is to try and ignore it as much as you can and get out and about - dwelling on it only makes it feel worse. i used to be scared of doing anything and everything in case it made it worse but the only thing that made it worse was sitting at home getting depressed! it may help you to look and see if you have any stress in your life that needs dealing with - sometimes we get a symptom because we are unhappy in our work etc and its our bodies way of saying it is a time for a change x

07-08-10, 21:39
its just so hard.. its like a hurdle that just seems to high...

Ive come back from holiday a month ago ( terrified of flying, think i had a breakdown on the way back) .. injured my privates on a speed boat which i thought was testicualr cancer :wacko: ..
just finished my degree at uni ...

i got so much but is all that really enough to trigger these headaches ?

i was a normal person .. no anxiety ..no worries before the holiday and a week after i got back i felt fine.. just all came at once ..

07-08-10, 22:10
is this enough to trigger Health anxiety and this s*** headache

07-08-10, 22:26
Well my headache is still here too Adam! Rubbish isn't it!
Got a really tight chest and pains too so I'm thinking I'm not going to be able to sleep and will be up all night worrying again :(

07-08-10, 22:29
how long have u had yours for?


07-08-10, 22:38
Almost 8 weeks now!! I think I've forgotton what it's like to be headache free :)

07-08-10, 22:44
wow...that long.. i should consider myself fortunate..

just so frustrating .. its not a severe pain .. just irrating..

how u found anything that can provide some element of relief ?


07-08-10, 22:46
Distraction helps a little but medication wise NOTHING!
Just need to stop stressing and it would all go, we are keeping them here by worrying - such a vicious circle x

07-08-10, 22:51
just gotta relax and crack on with day to day activities i guess.. the less we are freaking the quicker this is going to fade..

have u had any tests/checks carried out because of ur worries..

07-08-10, 22:58
Yeah all the same as you blood tests and opticians - all came back normal x

07-08-10, 23:04
well thanks for taking the time to speak to me :)

I will try and chill for a few days and see if i have any improvement..

I will PM you in a few days to see how you're doing.. Im gonna try a few things such as light jogs and massages .. I will let you know how im doing and anything i can recommend..

stay positive and take it easy :yesyes:


08-08-10, 09:28

Still feeling a bit rough with the never ending headache..

Can anyone else relate to these headaches.

Any help would be fantastic



08-08-10, 10:13
can any other symptoms be linked to this such as chest pains and and achy legs ?

08-08-10, 11:25
I have just posted a thread myself on headaches. My headaches are in my temples, behind my eyes, forehead and at the moment very much neck stiffness but not all at the same time. I feel sometimes that I have a helmet on they drive me insane, I take paracetamol or Ibuprofen and I am really careful not to pill pop too much as I know the affects of long term paracetamol taking. A friend of mine at work had been suffering from the same headaches although not an anxiety or panic attack sufferer and she discovered it was not drinking enough water, so I started drinking so much more water and felt better. Or did I? Was it psychological and by having more water made me think I was cureing it. Anyway the last few days have been crap and whilst not a crippling headache its always there are really annoying. My thread was wether taking Citalopram long term can have these side affects? Dunno

08-08-10, 11:59
well thanks for taking the time to speak to me :)

I will try and chill for a few days and see if i have any improvement..

I will PM you in a few days to see how you're doing.. Im gonna try a few things such as light jogs and massages .. I will let you know how im doing and anything i can recommend..

stay positive and take it easy :yesyes:


Yeah do let me know how you get on and any advice for shifting them :)
Hope you feel better soon. Amy.

08-08-10, 14:07
sounds to me like a tension headache caused by build up of stress whilst completing uni degree and perhaps some underlying fear about what the future may hold now? you may think you had no anxiety/worry before the holiday but a lot of people would take flying in their stride and not jump to the conclusion they had cancer from bumping themselves lol. i too remember at the time - thinking i was not stressed at all before i developed my headaches but it was just waiting to happen.

i really do feel that from all the posts by other headache sufferers on here that you have all the reassurance you need - get out for the day and do something nice xx

08-08-10, 14:12
i guess you right !! lol
its just such an anoying thing .. to happen to me now..
everyone has been great on here.. just its still there and my mind is telling me bad things lol

thanks a lot :)

08-08-10, 18:13
can tension headaches .. move around the head..
start on the left.. sometimes on right or at the top or back

It just seems like its in different places at different times

anyone shed some light on this for me

Adam :wacko:

08-08-10, 20:52
Adam have you tried using the search function?

If you type in "headaches" it will give you links to all related posts and there are tons of them!

10-01-16, 13:47
I'm currently having headaches daily for a month feels like a pressure like my heads being pushed down I have been having it at the back of my head and neck now its moved to on top of my head anyone else had it in the same place? This patch of anxiety has been high since October - find It hard to switch off heads a constant washing machine effect all thoughts constantly throu my mind