View Full Version : in my own world

07-08-10, 18:10
hi guys do any of you feel as if Ur in Ur own world most of the time i feel alone most of the time even though im married i feel im not interested in any thing at all sometimes i get angry with people i don't even know sometimes i want to drive reckless im well aware of whats going off does this mean iv got a mental illness other than anxiety

07-08-10, 18:27
I know just what you mean Melvin. I think anxiety and stress take their toll on us and make us less tollerant and less able to take part in life because we are so caught up with our own thoughts a lot of the time. I also feel that I can't talk to people around me about my anxiety, even those I am close to as they get tired of hearning about it and they offer their advice but when it doesn't help I think they get frustrated. I think the getting angry and wanting to dirve recklessley is all part of the anger that we feel about being stuck in a rut with anxiety and wanting to find an outlet for many of the feelings we have inside. It is often said that depression is actually anger turned inwards. I think that sometimes those of us who suffer with these conditions are sensitive and don't like to upset others so it is likley that we do carry anger around with us sometimes without realising it. I am sure that this is all normal for those of us with anxiety. If you are in the car and you feel like driving recklessley, maybe make sure you have some real booming music with you that you can put on and this will help chanel your emotions that way instead.