View Full Version : Help Please

07-08-10, 19:15
I've been suffering from anxiety for 6 months now I've had all the ecgs and tests and even an echo whilst in hospital and given the all clear, They said it was anxiety and bad posture. For the last few weeks I've been getting chest pains and flops. Today I had the same before I went to the football whist I was walking to the ground but when I was at the match and we had scared a few goals I felt fine but started to feel bad after. Is it all in the mind?. every time I think I'm having a heart attack.

I just need reasuring if others have had the same thing, I was really frightened.

07-08-10, 19:29
All my anxiety is centred around my heart. Everytime I get a chest pain or palpitation I think I'm having a heart attack and when I get bad bad panic attacks I'm SO convinced I've called an ambulance out before.

If you've been given the all clear then it's DEFINATLEY all in your mind. Your most probably like me, focusing on your chest/heart/pulse rate without even noticing your doing it half the time but it's always in the back of your head. Like today, when you stopped thinking about it and had fun when you scored goals it went away, but when it was over it started to creep back in so you felt awful again. It really is all in the mind.

I've learnt to accept my chest pains and palpitations as part of my anxiety and got a lot better for it. I havn't had a massive panic attack in weeks! I still get palpitations and chest pains (quite a few palpitations today and chest pain EVERY day) but I'm forcing myself to accept them and I forget quicker than I used to!

You've had your heart checked out so that means it's working fine, I know it's hard but we've just gotta accept what our Doctors have told us (anixety + bad posture) and try to ignore these feelings and they'll get less and less. xxx :)

07-08-10, 19:38
Thanks, I'm new to all these sensations and it has affected my daily life all the time, I just get very scared when it happens. Dose anxiety last nearly all day with just a few highs?.

Im going to a remote location in Ireland next week and all that has been flowing though my mind is where is the nearest A&E, Last year I never had these thoughts.

07-08-10, 19:44
Yup, it all started for me around 5 months ago. My anxiety was there all day every day for weeks occasionaly sky rocketing when I got bad chest pains. I've only started to be better the last couple of weeks or so.

I worry about a lot of things I never used to too! I also check for nearest hospitals when I go places, worry about what I'm eating/drinking incase its bad for my heart other silly stuff like that.

You won't feel like this forever it will fade eventually. I know it don't always feel like it but it's true. Remeber the road to recovery is never just a straight path! You'll have occasional bad days or moments but they'll jus get less and less. Try to enjoy yourself as much as possible when you're away and you'll hardly even notice your anxiety xx

07-08-10, 19:54
Thank's you have been a real help :hugs:, Im glad I've found a site that fills me with hope. Not many people understad what it is, I say it's anxitey (even though somtimes i had doubts) and they just say "Oh that" like they think it's trivial.