View Full Version : Funny headache :(

07-08-10, 21:36
I've been having alot of new symptoms lately, and i don't know if they are anxiety related or not?
Im starting to scare myself really, as every pain i get, i automatically assume/think the worst, and then that sets my mind racing :(

I've been getting a lot of visual disturbances - Like floaters, flashing lights, foggy & blurred vision, and now for the past 2 days i've had a bad head, like a stotting headache but it is also tender-ish to touch the top of my head. Not only have i been very anxious the last several days, i've barely had any sleep and haven't had much to eat (both due to having an extremely active 5 month old son who is teething!!)
Are my symptoms due to anxiety or something more serious.
If it makes a difference i had a full blood count 2 weeks ago which revealed i am very anemic and i am on iron tablets. When getting these pains in my head i assume, tumor etc and panic myself :( x

07-08-10, 22:30
Hi there

it sounds to me as though pretty much all of this could be down to anxiety, particularly if you're getting hardly any sleep as well. I very frequently get dreadful headches if I can't sleep. i can't remember offhand whether anaemia will cause them, but I wouldn't be surprised.

If you're getting visual disturbances, have you spoken to your GP about migraine? Having said that though, anxiety can cause foggy vision and make you more aware of floaters.

08-08-10, 04:04
Anxiety causes all of these things (I get them too) and mine are even worse when I don't get enough sleep or food, which it sounds like you aren't getting enough of either! It does sound to me like it's definitely anxiety. If it's worrying you a lot check in with your doctor, but otherwise just try not to overwork yourself until you've had a nice sleep or some food. Try to carry around some dried fruit or something to keep your energy up!