View Full Version : being a parent......

08-08-10, 09:14
hi my friends,
all my worry and anxiety is coming from being a parent...my daughter is 13 so why now after all this time....kerrylouise for the last couple of months has had health problems and she is starting a new school in september and i cannot stop obsessing over her!.....i know its natural to worry over our children but this is on a different level...she is constantly in my thoughts....worrying about every little thing and blowing it completely out of proportion...keep on checking on her whlst she is asleep to make sure she is ok....and asking her if she is ok....i know i am making her worry but i cannot stop myself.
help....i feel as though i am going mad....any other parents if you have experienced this please help...or even if you have not words of wisdom would be so so well received.
much love as always, tracey xxxxx havent had a full blown attack this morning...just work up with an awful headache and feel so so so so tired!

09-08-10, 10:58

I didn't see this post yesterday as i wasn't on nmp for long.

Being a parent is a tough job, my eldest is 21 and my youngest is 6, i still worry over the 21 year old just as much as i do the 6 year old.

I think what it is.............we love our children so much and its in a parents nature to make sure that they are okay, i know there are times when i fuss too much over my little one, she collapsed some months back and i find myself constantly worrying over her now, its hard to stop, then she went and fractured her ankle two weeks ago and will not use her crutches.................me!! i fret and worry over her doing more damage to her ankle.............my little one keeps telling me she is okay and stop worrying.

If only it were that easy, i think we just go through these things from time to time, i'm sure it will calm down again and you'll wonder why you were worrying so much, i've been doing it for 21 years, like my mum says from the minute your children are born you will spend your life worrying over them.

Its a big thing her starting a new school, if its any consolation my little one had to start a new school 10 weeks ago, she was absolutely fine and i was a mess:shrug:

its only because we love them.

di xx

09-08-10, 11:21
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii di...thank you so so much for your reply...today we had to go back to our gp another urine infection and we have to go to the hospital on the 18th and i am scared so very very scared! but i know this is only natural.
i just so wish i could calm down....i just wish i had a switch to turn off these feelings of panic and anxiety!
i know logically that she will be ok moving to upper school but with her health problems and her move to another school it has just overwhelmed me. my husband is not the most supportive when it comes to these things!
oh di..i do hope your daughters leg gets better soon.....see i know i am not the only one really going through all these things with our kids...its just sometimes well it, at the moment its just one thing after another and its overload!
thank you di i so appreciate your message xxxxx thinking of you xxxx

09-08-10, 11:28
Its so hard not to worry tracey.

You'll have to keep us informed on how it all goes and we can support you and help you out, its all very well us being there for our children, but who do we have!! good job we have each other on here to get through these things.

I am sure she will be absolutely fine hun.

di xxx

09-08-10, 11:40
thank you so much di...and indeed you are so so right xxxx

i am trying to remain positive xxx and yes i have you all here for me which is oh so reassuring.

thank you once again....and i am here for you too please dont forget this xxxx