View Full Version : Insomnia advice

08-08-10, 09:19
Hi guys
Im back from my holidays and I can say despite all my problems With cit , I had a fantastic time,better then ever expected..
But i do hav a question for you all//
Well i was on Citalopram 10mg for 17 days for help towards my agaraphobia not depresion or anxiety.
and before i started this course i was fine in my self and had no sleep problems what so ever.
Well i had such a tough time on these tablets with the side efects,so my doctor advived me to stop them so i did.
I didnt cut down,I was told it was such a short time on them I could just stop.
So I did.and I had a couple of days of very slight side efects then they were all gone..

But the whole time I was on them i sufferd bad Insomnia I couldnot sleep for days , i couldnt turn of my mind and thaughts.
so after a couple of days of side efects i had to take some sleeping tablets,which worked.
anyway towards me coming of the Citalopram i only had a few nights of taking sleeping tablets and on the nights i didnt take them,I couldnt sleep.
and now since iv been of them for 9 days now ,and not on sleeping tablets,i cant sleep for ages ,I just lay there reminding my self im awake and not sleeping,fidgiting and feeling agitated,my mind still busy and not calmind down,( as it use to before the Citalopram )
So my question is ...
Is this some sort of side efect that is lingering in me for a while,or have i now mad my mind aware of how i couldnt sleep when on the Citalopram
and got myself into a habbit of analizing and thinking to hard when im asleep.
or is it because i had such a bad time on Citalopram and not sleeping for such a long time , that iv developed insomnia for real now.
Please help as im started to feel real down about this ,
thankyou very much Greg
I feel me again as i was before cit,and feel stronger then ever before,
but this insomnia is a concern as i dont want another battel.
Hope all is well with you all,Iv tried to keep posts and advice to others .
will catch up soooooon.
Funny even without much sleep today Sun 8 august,I still feel so glad to be me again...what a bad time on them cits ,,i wouldnt want that again,but would love to get rid of this sleep prob...
you know me im strong and will get past it,But ant experiance coming of cits will help..
Thanks guys and girls love you all
Greg xxxxxxxxxxx:yesyes:

08-08-10, 10:24
hi greg
i suffer from insomnia due to my health anxiety im lucky to get 2-3 hours sleep a nite but i heard drinking 4 cups of camomile tea through out the day and 1 half hour before you go to bed help you sleep so i tried it and found it really does work. i find i just drift off have a great sleep and wake up refreshed. its not to every ones taste but i highly recommend you try this and put up with the taste as camomile tea helps u relax and has a mild seditive effect, and is completely natural. i was on cit but had to come off them because they made me feel worse i was put on trazadone which are anti-dressent/sleep meds but find they dont really work either. give it a go :) all the best
zoe x

08-08-10, 10:48
Hey Hon

Firstly glad you had a great holiday. Secondly try not to see the sleep issue as a battle, I know exactly where you are at with it as I have struggled with insomnia off and on for years.

I now use mindfulness meditation just before bed and red bush tea during the day. After I stopped stuggling against sleep and just enjoyed being in a comfy bed thinking happy thoughts I now sleep for a usual 7 hours a night. If I wake up in the night I just roll over and relax again and sleep comes.

It will settle again if you just accept it and let it be

08-08-10, 12:30
thankyou girls
i will give this camomile tea 4 cups a day a go.
i dont normally read before bed but maybe ill try this two..
i feel fine in myself , but just do not drift as i use to before cits.
so something happend after that.
anyway im sure ill get there back sleeping like a baby..
thankyou girls and i hope all is well with you both,,
Greg xxxx

08-08-10, 16:14
Try to avoid eating too late too, digestion is hardwork for the body.

Obviously avoid caffine and the tea suggestions are worth a go, essentially anything you can do to calm down and relax.

You can always trying waring yourself out at the gym first :-)

I also do mindfulness meditation, its hard to get started with, worth going to some classes but it does help. You're basically trying to slow the thoughts down and focus on one thing.

I also have a hemi-sync cd, which is sort of slows the brain down, which can help if your brain starts racing, its sort of a cheating way of meditating.

I don't personally rate hypnosis, but it might work for you is another option.