View Full Version : Do I have panic, or does it have me

08-08-10, 10:54
Before the heart skips, jumps, flutters and misses I cant remember having a panic attack. I was stressed and therefore tense quite a lot.

Its hard to admit to myself that I may in fact suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. But, the truth is I now do.

I tell myself if the heart palpitations stop, I will feel better. I think I would not feel so anxious, but reckon underneath that I was already unhappy and tense.

My problem is, where to go about it. My GP looks at me as though I should pull myself together. He's known me years and has not seen me anxious, so to him I am not. I don't express it very well to him and its not a visible thing with me. If I take a few valium for a couple of days it can settle things for a few weeks after, but that's not going to be in supply, even though I do not take it much

I am not sure if I should ask for a referral to somewhere, but where, and what could they do to help?

08-08-10, 12:55
Hey Typer.
I have the same issues as you (with the eptopics etc). I too have told myself the same thing, if the darn things would rack off then i wouldn't be anxious anymore as the only time i become anxious these days is when i notice them happening. But, the truth is with me is that i have been anxious my whole life and i know for a fact that if it wasn't the eptopics destroying my livelyhood, then it would be something else. I have always had big fears of cancer and i know that this problem just keeps my mind away from that.
I guess it can be different for alot of us, but for me i know that the reason the heartbeat has become an issue is purely because i have a weakness for obsessing over health issues. If i didn't, then i wouldn't notice half of them as when i am busy and happy they seem to go away!

Kel x

09-08-10, 13:51
Yes my do lesson when I am busy, but they are still there.

I guess I understand what you are saying though...its like they are a diversion or something