View Full Version : Updated - Urgent Appeal - Like2Like.com : Sarah

23-02-06, 13:24
I have added a new post for those of you have read this...

Those of you who have got to know me on this site will know that my beautiful daughter-in-law, Sarah, has Leukaemia.

She got sick 2 years ago (on my son's birthday) very suddenly and had 4 rounds of chemo and went into remission. They got married last year, an incredibly poignant day for everyone who knows them.... they are such a special, wonderful couple.

Sadly, 3 days before Christmas she relapsed. She has now completed another round of chemo and will start yet another next week.

In order for her to survive she will need a bone marrow transplant. Her family have been tested but no-one matched - a donor would have to come from a very similar genetic background. She is mixed race and there is a dreadful shortage of potential donors on the Bone Marrow Donor registers from black, mixed-race and other ethnic groups.

We have started a campaign (website: www.like2like.com) to get people to register and would be grateful to anyone who could help in any way, by registering themselves (there are many other people waiting for donors) or by passing the information on.

Please have a look at the website, where you will see pictures of Sarah and my son, Mark and the whole story in his words....

By the way - any comments posted on the site (on the right hand side 'your comments') will be read by Sarah and will mean so much to her!

Thankyou so much for reading.



23-02-06, 13:42
Wishing you every success with the website and all the very best to Sarah and Mark.

Love Piglet xxxxxx

23-02-06, 13:44

I wish the website and campaign every success too, I truly hope it finds Sarah and others like her a suitable donor.
Good luck,

Lisa x

23-02-06, 13:47
Hi Fee

Will keep my fingers crossed that success will be around the next corner.

Thinking of you & your family.

Take good care

Love & hugs


23-02-06, 14:52
Thank you so much Lisa, Piglet, Alex and Lucy - all good positive vibes welcome xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

23-02-06, 14:56
Hi there, have visited the site and wish you all every success, the photo's are so lovely, am thinking of you and your family. xxxxxx

Ma Larkin
23-02-06, 15:01
Hi Fee, i'm thinking of you in this worrying time. I hope lots of people visit the website. There are so many wonderful websites out there & I think one of the TV channels should make people more aware of the help that is needed & publicise across the globe. A friend of mine has just had a kidney transplant. He was born with only half a working kidney & has been on dialysis all his life. His mum was a perfect match, but unfortunately, his body rejected the kidney & it had to be removed. All his family & friends have rallied round and had the tests to see if anyone is compatible, but as yet, a donor hasn't been found. I think websites are a great way of getting the word across. So many people are willing to help & I hope Sarah finds a donor soon. There are many NMP members Fee, all over the world, i'm keeping my fingers crossed for Sarah.

Take care, Les, xx

23-02-06, 15:02
Thankyou Carlin!

Everyone's comments and support really help!

By the way - any comments posted on the site (on the right hand side 'your comments') will be read by Sarah and will mean so much to her!

I shall edit my initial post to mention this!

Fee xxxxxx

23-02-06, 15:09
Thank you Lesley - wish your friend good luck too xxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Ma Larkin
23-02-06, 15:20
Aw, thanks Fee! Thinking of you loads, love to Sarah and Mark. xx

23-02-06, 18:29
Hi Fee

This is such a positive move and reading Mark's account of the story it comes across how much he loves Sarah.

I hope the site brings forward a possible match for Sarah.

Karen xx

23-02-06, 19:32
thanks karen xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

23-02-06, 20:54
Hi Fee

Have had a look at the link & think your son & daughter in law make a really gorgeous couple. I truly hope things do work out.

Love & hugs



24-02-06, 00:00
Hi fee
so sorry to hear about your daughter in law. By huge coincedence i joined the bone marrow donor register yesterday, they had a donor clinic at my uni in the afternoon so i went along and registered.

When i asked if they had lots of people join they said yes, over 40, and i thought that was an awful amount, out of 12000 students only 40 registered and the people running the clinic thought that was a good amount! i think the whole thing needs to be publicised more and the like2like website is such a fantastic idea.

I asked the staff at the clinic how likely it was that you'd have to donate, and they said 1% get called back for further tests, and 0.9% actually donate. Some people think that if its so unlikely you would have to donate why register at all, but its the diversity thats important, there could be just one match for someone who needs a transplant so its important that as many people register as possible.

It was a simple blood sample, didnt hurt, and they accepted me even though im on meds for anxiety, so no one on this site has any excuse- and they gave me a cup of tea and a biscuit!

Make a difference to someones life and join the register


24-02-06, 20:11

I am pleased you decided to post about this in the end and I wish you all the luck in the world with it.

She is very very pretty and I bet you are very proud of her.

Good luck with it all.


25-02-06, 08:43
Hi Alice

Thank you for that message and well done for registering!!! Yes you put it so well, it's so frustrating that people are not aware. We are going to do our best to raise the profile and help people to understand how easy it is to register and how important it is. I think it must be a wonerful thing to be able to donate something so easily and save someone's life, especially when you know you can only save the life of someone who is genetically similar to you, so in a way it's always almost family, even if you didn't know them!

Hi Nic - thanks for your message and encouraging me to post it! She is even prettier in real life, she's one of those people that lights up a room, even now...

Thanks everyone - please pass the link on to anyone you can think of!!


Fee xxxxxx

28-02-06, 18:25

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

28-02-06, 18:31
hi Fee,

glad you have raised this awareness. I have sent an email to my friend who is of mixed race (also jamaican father, british mother) - so I have sent her the link! so fingers crossed to Sarah..

well done for giving all your support,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

28-02-06, 18:48
Thank you so much for your messages Lisa and Molly!

We are just looking for that one special person for Sarah, but there are other people in the same position so everyone who can - please go on the register.

Love and hugs to you all xxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

23-03-06, 15:28
Thank you so much to everybody who has posted and visited our website....

We had some very sad news today - DJ Swing who had a bone marrow transplant in November died last night. You can see more about him from a link on our website.

It is a tragic loss - he was a wonderful, strong person and incredibly talented with a fantastic career about to take off. We got to know him through the campaign and are devastated.

Sarah is still in hospital at the moment recovering from her final round of chemo. She has an infection today and is on IV antibiotics - but is feeling well and positive.

So far we have still not been able to find a donor and it is about to become really desperate. She can go on a maintenance dose of chemo which will prolong her life for anything up to 10 months but without a bone marrow transplant she will not survive.

Please pass the link to our website to anyone that you can think of and any positive thoughts/vibes are very very welcome.


Many many thanks to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

23-03-06, 17:08
Hi Fee

So sorry to hear the sad news.

Thinking of Sarah and the family

take care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

23-03-06, 18:14
Hi Feege, I havent really been very active replying lately but I felt I needed to reply to you.
I know when news like this comes along, the sad death of DJ Swing, it is very upsetting especially when you have somebody so close sufferring from the same condition.
I know.. i have been there with similar circumstances with my son, not leaukaemia but another condition.
I am so sorry Sarah is ill, she is suffering enough without added complications from an infection.
I did visit the website but to be honest it was when my mind couldnt think straight, I will look again, as my children will.
Take care and try to stay strong.xxx

23-03-06, 18:17
Thank you so much Alex and Alexis - every bit of support means so much xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

23-03-06, 18:23
Hi Fee,

You know I'm thinking of you all, wish I could help more.

Lisa x

23-03-06, 18:36
Hi there,
My thoughts are with you and your family. xxxx

23-03-06, 19:06
Thanks so much lisa and carlin - it's really appreciated xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

24-03-06, 01:46
Hi feege

I felt i had to reply i hope you don't mind. I'm black caribbean, and was brought up in Peckham so it struck a chord with me reading about Sarah's illness. I knew a lot of people who went to School in Peckham and it being so close to home has really made me think. I go back to London every holiday (i am at university training to be a doctor) and i know the local hospitals and hope that she is getting the care she deserves.

As a result of your post i am joining the bone marrow register as well as encouraging my family and friends to do the same. I know it isn't much but i hope Sarah finds a match.

Thinking of you and your family, and if you ever need a local connection here i am! I miss Peckham/Camberwell/Walworth Rd but i'll be back next week!

24-03-06, 10:08
Thank you so much QOH it means so much to hear your response.

Us South Londoners have to stick together - we're a very special breed lol!!!!!!!!!!!

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 21:33
Just thought I'd update anyone who wants to know...

Sarah is out of hospital today having completed the final round of chemo.:D

Unfortunately we do not have a donor yet so she will have to go on a maintenance dose in a couple of weeks, but the campaign is beginning to take off and the media starting to take an interest, so we remain hopeful.

Yet again I would ask if anyone reads this that hasn't already, please forward the link under my signatue to anyone you can think of.

Thanks to everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

31-03-06, 23:17
Hi Fee,

Great that Sarah is out of hospital today. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the publicity next week helps.

Love Lisa x