View Full Version : desperate to get better !

08-08-10, 13:05

Well i have been on my reduced dose of sertraline for two weeks now, things were picking up slowly after my servere panic with the increase, i am now back to my original dose of 50mg, but today i feel sooo depressed, one day its anxiety and panic (not as servere as before) and the next depression. I just want it to go and get on with my life, i have only been up about 2 hours, showered, ate breakfast, been to the shops and now i am fighting the urge to go back to bed, what is wrong with me, everything feels bad today, even though its not, thats when the panic sets in because i just want to be better. I can feel the depression physically, lead weight in my chest, heavy head. Will the withdrawels from the increase still be affecting me? I was on 50mg of sert for 5 years, then on docs advise increased to 100mg after return of anxiety, but made me 100 times worse, i am very sensitive to meds, so after three weeks was advised to go back to 50mg, which i did two weeks ago, i can now sleep, eat and go out, but this black cloud is awful.

Thanks lynne

08-08-10, 16:31
Hi Lynne,

Sorry that you are having a bad day.....I think that is all it is. We all get days like this but when it comes it hits hard and makes you feel dreadful!!

Has your Gp decided to leave you on the lower dose of sertraline or are you coming off it?

I think you just need to give your body chance to settle back down on the 50mg dose. You will find that you will have good and bad days...the good days should become more than the bad eventually.

I had a bad day yesterday...anxiety didnt leave me until late afternoon...I hadn't slept very well the night before and this always causes me to have a bad day the next day...thankfully last night I slept really well so feel better today. I thought it was because I am going back to work after 2 weeks off.....but feeling o.k today I now know it was the lack of sleep.

I hope that you feel better tommorow...it the bad days continue...perhaps go back and have a chat with your GP...see what he has to say about it. Are you having any talking therapy presently?

Take care hun.

08-08-10, 17:10
you will get better .. but we who suffer ,have to think positive

08-08-10, 17:35
Dear Lin I'm sorry that you are struggling at the moment. I know that you want to feel completely well again and you will. You mustn't beat yourself up when you feel bad though. When I was struggling with very severe depression I used to sleep a lot. I also used too write down how I was feeling too. That seemed to help. Now I am more likely to listen to a beautiful piece of music or do something to distract me. Talking to others can help as well. Take care EJ.

08-08-10, 19:28
HI everyone

Thank you so much for your replies, well i have been out for a three hour walk with my two children and my niece and nephew and mum, cursing myself all the way because i wasnt enjoying like i usually do, at least i am tired now and can go to bed early not feeling guilty ! lol
Jo, glad ur better today, i remember after my last bout, i just wouldnt have a late night for ages, just incase i felt bad the next day, because yes, tiredness makes everyone on edge! I know you are right, good and bad days, but just sooooooo want to be better and this will all feel like a bad dream, which i know everybody wants. The thing is when i feel low i panic, think the worse, that it will never go etc.. , still getting the panics of who am i? and scared of myself, but nowhere near as bad. I am going to see a counsellor through work tomorrow, who i saw for a few times before i increased the meds, and get really poorly, not been for a month, to be truthfull i dont really rate her, just writes lists of things to do etc.. but i am hoping she can give me some info on what happened to me when i increased the meds, dont think i will go again. Also i have an appointment at the pychotherapy dept at the hospital two days after i get back from hols, i think then they will decide what form of counselling i need. I am staying on the 50mg and hopefully things will settle down, as i feel i have improved gradually since the decrease, plus cant face another med swop at the moment, doc has agreed for me to stay on the 50mg, have stopped the beta blockers and promazine meds about two weeks ago and feel much better for that.
I have two beautiful children who i absolutely adore and husband and great family, i have no need to feel like this, i was perfectly happy with my lot until my panic attack and downward spiral, which makes it much harder to bear, in the past there has always been a reason, ( i have had two episodes before) this time i am struggling to understand why?
Anyway hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, it better had be i am going clothes shopping for my holiday, my favourite pastime ! xxx