View Full Version : head pains heavy back of head

08-08-10, 13:43
head pains heavy back of head??

does anyone else have this??

and also when i go for a walk its like im detached from reality and its really scary then the back of my head becomes heavy and i just want to go home??


08-08-10, 13:47
Hello mate..

yeh ive def had that .. I have had it for about two weeks .. heavy head .. stiff neck ..

doc sure its tension .. stress related..

try and relax more.. remove the tension and it should relieve itself..

Hope this helps


08-08-10, 13:59
does it get worse when you try and like exert yourself??

like even going for a walk it just comes down on me like a ton of bricks and im walking down the street and then im just like detached and i get scared if some1 even walks near me

08-08-10, 14:02
yeh sort of.. light excerise is meant to be good for tension type headaches...

how long have you had this for? is it a headache?

08-08-10, 14:04
about 2 weeks
its not a headache its like a pain in my neck,back of head and when i get anxious it just feels like my head is going to explode..

08-08-10, 14:25
have you visited docs regarding it ?

08-08-10, 14:29
yes but they think its stress ect same old but there probably right.

08-08-10, 14:34
i have this when im walking my head goes really heavy like it to heavy for me to carry if that makes sense its tension, if you can get someone to massage the top of your back and neck i find it really help
zoe x

08-08-10, 14:39
do you get it when having anxiety attacks? because that's when i get it and i feel like its attacking me.....that most sound really crazy lol but its how it feels.

08-08-10, 14:49
does it make you nausious/dizzie ? i have been having really strong pains in my neck and head of late..

08-08-10, 14:53
well if it happens when im out,which it seems to be at its worst then yea its hard to even walk properly but if its a symptom of the anxiety then i guess that makes sense

08-08-10, 14:56
yeh .. i agree.. I honestly would worry mate,

I think it really is anxiety mixed with a lot of tension.. is it affecting your sleep patterns ?

08-08-10, 14:57
wouldnt *** lol sorry :D

08-08-10, 14:58
ye haven't slept properly for months:weep:

08-08-10, 15:24
the pain in the back of my head is quite near the top of my head and stems down towards the top of my neck,

Are we experiencing the same pain points?