View Full Version : I'm new and have lots of things wrong with me..

08-08-10, 20:21
Hi everyone :)

I'm new at this so I don't know if I'm going to get any replies but I can try!
I have depression, post traumatic stress disorder and anxiety. I also have paranoia and anger issues, but I think these are symptoms of either the depression or PTSD, but hellish enough to mention anyway.

I have no-one to talk to in person about any of this, it's only been since May that I've been diagnosed after something awful that happened and suddenly all of these symptoms appeared (when I've been on here a bit longer I might talk about it, I'm not sure yet) and I just need to know that I'm not by myself in all of this.

Despite all this I think I'm a friendly enough person to talk to, so I just wanted to introduce myself and offer my help/experiences to anyone if they need it.


08-08-10, 20:23
Hi wheres_charlotte

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-08-10, 21:00
hi charlotte
im sorry your having such a hard time. your not alone we all have different thing wrong with us but im sure you will find that everyone on here are really nice and very supportive. im going through a horrible time at the moment and found much support and comfort from people on here if i can be of any help pm me it nice to have someone to talk to :hugs:
zoe x

08-08-10, 21:42
I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

Vanilla Sky
09-08-10, 21:42
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

09-08-10, 21:59
:bighug1: xx

fuzzy head
10-08-10, 11:32
Hope you are coping ok. I've just lost my mother (she died on a plane with me next to her). It was awful. Think I had a mini breakdown but recovered (kind of), 3 months later I went a bit do-lally. Now on citalopram. Having a few side affects but find this site really good. Found it by accident and has really helped to share emotions etc. Try to keep in touch with everyone as it really feels as if someone cares. At least we all know what each other is going through!

10-08-10, 13:35
thats how my depression kick in at the loss of my mother & father within days of each other went into deep depression then seperated from my wife & family then hit the booze been battling ever since lost 6 yr out of my life started off on cipromil then zisaprin then citalopram which gave me buzzy heads so doctor put me on mirtazipine gradually increasing the dosage over a few month I'm now starting on 45mg dont know what its gonna be like will let you kno tc people x:shrug:

10-08-10, 22:27
hi charlotte.:) i hope ur ok lvly.im new to this to n felt like id just post and see if any1 replys too. it took something big for me to admitt i had depression but where would we be now if it dnt happen? i think that addmiting how we feel is a big step! this site seems very helpfull and wellcoming. as ive noticed we are not alone by a long way biggg huggsss x x x