View Full Version : Boyfriend suffers

23-02-06, 15:28
Hello all...i am here because my boyf of 2 years suffers from anxiety. It has been VERY difficult to understand it especially when I dont suffer at all. Lately, it I think has reached a point in our relationship where I am not sure where we are going anymore. this isnt the same man I met 2 years ago and its just very sad. We dont go anywhere ever. I home is out of the county which I travel to often (at least once a month) and in 2 years he has been with me once!
I want to know and understand and see what I can do to help. I try to love and support as much but it reaches a point to where I have to also think of myself.....

23-02-06, 15:41
has your boyfriend sen this site himself, for it may help you both to be on here. it is very hard when you have not suffered to be living with it, but patience is a great thing, and if he could just snap out of it i am sure he would.

understanding your problems is a great thing and to no you are not alone is another great feeling. this site will do that for him. also a book by claire weekes called "self help for your nerves" will help you both understand better the symptoms of anxiety and how it tricks you into thie vicious circle i think he has found himself in

any futher help i can give you i will. pm me anytime

take care and well done for staying by his side

23-02-06, 15:48

Welcome to the forum, have a look about the site it may help you understand what your boyfriend is going through.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-02-06, 15:59
Thank you for your reply. My boyfriend is actually doing alot for his anxiety. He is seeing a professional, he reads lots of books ( I will look into the one you mentioned) he exercises, changed his diet. I am sooo proud of him but it seems like it its not getting better and I cant help but wonder what if it is never goes away? He has tried meds but the side effects were awful....
I apprecite you saying that if he could snap out of it he would but..as a woman its hard to see a man that was once to strong fall apart and there is nothing i can do to "fix" it....

23-02-06, 16:03
ask him has he read the one i mentioned. i appreciate how hard it must be for you especially if it seems recovery has ground to a halt. does he no about cbt, it is a really helpful therapy that many swear by.

23-02-06, 16:05

Welcome to the forum.

I agree in that i think your bf would join this site, if he of course wants to. As this is a point where he can & will get lots of sound advice & help.

Take Care


23-02-06, 18:02
Hi and welcome to the forum.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

23-02-06, 19:14
You are so right as a woman this must be very hard for you. Sorry if I sound not very sympathetic because the one I truly feel for is your boyfriend. As a sufferer also I understand what he is going through, and to say that he was once a strong man and no more really upsets me. We are ALL strong we just somewhere along the way forgot or can't see it right now. What if something awful happened to you that you could not control? Would you want him by your side? Of course you would! We all want a bit of compassion, some sort of understanding, and a whole lot of patience. I understand this is trying for you both, but you love him and that's what it's about. It's not all pretty. It's life. This is one of the most real things you will deal with. It's extremely raw, and way too candid, but it's real. Just think of the future because there is one if you really want it with him. He deserves a chance this isn't his fault!

Sorry if I have offended you, but I am him.


23-02-06, 20:16
Maybe you could print some info off for him to sit and read.

It is lovely that you care so much to look for help for him


23-02-06, 21:21
Hi ks,

Its great that you are taking the trouble to seek some understanding so your relationship can be stronger.

People who suffer can rarely 'snap' out of it, and it takes time and perserverance to overcome the suffering.

I hope you can stick with him through this, as he needs you more than ever.

We'd welcome him along too of course.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-02-06, 13:23

He can make progressive improvement. The most important gthing he needs from you is consistency so even though he can be frustrating then is when he neds you most.

Ensure he is getting some CBT, not just general counselling and get him 2 or 3 books that we recommend on the reading page.

You can also do pushing back the boundaries with him and encouraging him to log on here himself to get some support and daily encouragement and meet others who can helphim.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?