View Full Version : Feeling Good

08-08-10, 21:10
So then Hurrah!!!!!

Started 10mg Cit on 14th July - increased to 20mg on 29th July and today I can celebrate my first good weekend in ages. With Hubs on nights all this week I have been sleeping alone and at the weekend he obviously has to sleep during the day.

Not only have I been fine in the evenings and getting up in morning for work alone, I have also had quite a relaxed weekend and had some fun along the way. A couple of minor "body burns" (in the past that would had led to a bigger attack), but this time just a couple of breaths and moved right along. Did the weekly shop alone and enjoyed it and spent a lovely afternoon today playing with my great nephew.

Just wanted at this point now to say despite my fear and dislike of medication and also my massive fear of going insane I can see the light at the end of my tunnel.

Counselling, meditation, self analysis and a belief I can beat this go alongside the meds. The meds are a chance for me to breathe and look at my life to resolve all of this and allow me to learn how to accept this as part of who I am and just let it be a part of me without it controlling me.

Guess I just wanted to say to all, thank you for all the invaluable support I have found on here and that there is a light for all of us to reach and reach it we will


08-08-10, 21:25
Soooo pleased for you!!!! You have no idea how great it is to hear that you are doing well!!!!!!

08-08-10, 21:32
Suzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hey!!!!!!!!!

You are on the top of my list of peeps to thank hon! will be back in chat soon to make sure I spread the joy!


08-08-10, 21:34
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ya daft thing!!! I didnt do anything!!

08-08-10, 21:36
this is such a positive post....i am oh so pleased for you xxxx love tracey xxxx

08-08-10, 21:39
You reminded me I was normal! and made me laugh (but admit I am enjoying being back to my daft self too lol)


09-08-10, 13:29
jo you deserve your glorry on cits,you have hung in there for some time beliving in them,
gooooood for you darling all the very best for your future , and i hope you get your life just how you want it again,,
love Greg.xxx

09-08-10, 14:36
Thanks guys..am sure I will still have odd days and blips and things, is still early days, but getting some hope back in my life.

Am so much better than I was which makes the work worth it and encourages me onwards

09-08-10, 15:04
Great stuff Jo!

Good innit? :winks:

09-08-10, 16:46
Thanks guys..am sure I will still have odd days and blips and things, is still early days, but getting some hope back in my life.

Am so much better than I was which makes the work worth it and encourages me onwards

Great news :)

10-08-10, 20:59
Great to hear DB.:)

13-08-10, 13:46
Actually feeling very good at the moment.....so much so I have only just remembered to take my tablet which I normally take with breakfast...! Ho hum only 4 or so hours late then (bad bad DB). Let's hope I still manage to sleep tonight

This afternoon I have a telephone counselling session with my local Mental Health trust, not sure what to expect or how it works on the phone, but not really looking forward to it. I have always been better face to face with people than on the phone.

Actually looking forward to the weekend though for the first time in a long time so moving on forward still xx