View Full Version : very scared could this be ms or a brain tumour

08-08-10, 21:24
Hi have been a anxiety sufferer for years but have never had this and am scared stiff, the right side of my face mainly cheek area feels numb its not numb to touch but just the sensation & i have noticed pins & needles in my arms & legs, but i dont feel stressed but this is making me feel it, i have posted something similar earlier this month but wasnt getting the feeling in my arms & legs any advice would be really appreciated xx

08-08-10, 21:32
Bloody hell! I came on here to create a topic with the exact same symptoms you're describing there. Seeing you're post makes me feel easier about the numb feeling in my right cheek that I've currently got, hopefully seeing what I've written here will help you as well.

08-08-10, 21:42
I have experienced these symptoms on a number of occasions. I spoke to my GP about it, and it turns out it's classic anxiety. My best friend has MS and it took 10 years to get diagnosed, she was so tired all the time she could barely keep her eyes open and it wasn't just pins and needs etc, it was proper weakness in her limbs.
Keep your mind occupied and the symptoms will disappear x

30-09-10, 09:54
Just wondered how you were both getting on with this? Have your symptoms got worse or better etc?

01-10-10, 07:36
Excuse me.Im 56 and had the very same symptoms since I was 14. No MS.. Just anxiety. Good luck with yours

01-10-10, 09:28
I also had these symptoms years ago - when I was a student in fact. At the time, I had a thing about getting MS as my dad had died of it. At one point, I had these symptoms and a huge list of others, including headaches, loss of balance, depersonalisation, anxiety attacks, problems swallowing. You name it, I had it - all at once.

In the end, a very kind GP told me that my issues were anxiety and lack of sleep, and that no physical disease could possibly cause all these symptoms all at the same time. He prescribed me some medication (it must have been diazepam or similar) and told me to go away and take them for a couple of weeks. I spent most of the next week asleep, and in that time I found that pretty much all of the symptoms had disappeared.

I'm 51 tomorrow and I'm still here!