View Full Version : Same old story I guess...

08-08-10, 21:53
I'm 20, and since moving to university I have had a very reactionary stomach. Everytime I go anywhere, or anything changes, my stomach has a rollercoaster moment and then I feel sick for a week. Problem is, knowing it's happening each time just makes me nervous again, and the cycle continues. I feel I'm becoming less and less independent and less of a 'man' as I rely more and more on people around me and external distractions to keep my mind occupied.
I've always been a very positive and care-free person, so it's taken me by surprise. My light heartedness has gone now, replaced with a constant sense of dread. I want to feel how I used to feel, but I can't convince my body to relax. I want it to stop before it becomes worse or takes over my life completely.
I've been feeling sick constantly for about two months now - my personal record - and I'm struggling to stay positive.
Knowing other people are going through similar and worse eases my mind a bit, hence deciding to join.


08-08-10, 21:54
Hi In_Places

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-08-10, 22:22
I hope that this site helps you as much as it's helped me. All the best. Baggs.

08-08-10, 22:43
Getting through uni was a stressful time for me and I was lucky that my depression had been diagnosed and I was receiving treatment for it at the time. In fact, knowing that it was a recognised illness and therefore not my fault helped me a great deal. So many people compare themselves to others and end up feeling like a freak. This inevitably leads to isolation and creates/breeds anxiety.

If you haven't already been to a doctor I would strongly advise that you go. There is no shame in doing this and there are many treatment options available. Don't suffer in silence.

Welcome to the forum - you'll find it a great help.

PS. Could you please increase your font size next time... I'll be needing glasses at this rate lol.

08-08-10, 22:48
Thanks all. Have seen a doctor, but they said it isn't curable. It's more of a issue for a therapist apparently. Will go again though, see if I can't get any meds to help the symptoms. And consider my future fonts enlarged!

08-08-10, 23:13
Thanks all. Have seen a doctor, but they said it isn't curable. It's more of a issue for a therapist apparently. Will go again though, see if I can't get any meds to help the symptoms. And consider my future fonts enlarged!

Well, that's one doctor's opinion. I would definitely look to get a second opinion and suitable treatment. I don't believe for one second that this isn't treatable - either with meds, talking therapies or both.

Now I need glasses to read my own font size :wacko: