View Full Version : Mood Swings

08-08-10, 22:01
Over like the last week n half I seem to be having mood swings that I usually only get with PMT lol...

I seem to be going from feeling so down like someones died and crying to anxious and jittery to extremely angry to laughing...I don't know why this is happening?? :shrug:

I am normally quite an emotional person so I do just show what i'm feeling but usually its not quite so up and down so quickly.

Im pleased that I have managed to keep my anx mostly under sum sort of control over the last couple of months but I jus dont know what I am going to be feeling one hour to the next

Im hoping this is just an odd phase that will pass, I dont sleep well cos of anx so it could be that and mum said I could be anemic again as I am looking very pale?

Just wondering if anyone else has times like this?


10-08-10, 09:11
Yeah I get very mood swingy too. I find it's cuz I'm tryin so hard to control my anx, A LOT of emotion gets repressed with it which makes me have little outbursts in actual frustration, then I'm all happy an smiley in about 10 mins! I was fine all day the other day, then I got home sat on my bed and just started crying uncontrollably for about 15 mins then I was happy again! I also snap a lot more than usual. Someone will ask me a perfectly reasonable question and I'll bite their heads of for no reason haha.

IN SHORT: The fact your working hard to control your anxiety aswell as not sleeping properly is most probably the reason for your moodswings. xx

10-08-10, 20:52
Yes! I think you are right! I am fighting every day to control my anxiety and feelings that I end up just wanting to cry or yell..there is only so much repression I can do before I feel like I just wana burst! It sounds so pathetic but when I get home from work I just want someone there to give me a big cuddle lol :hugs:

10-08-10, 22:42
Verity I'm such a nightmare to be around when I have PMT that I even try to avoid me... like you I can sink into complete lows, and I wallow in them....everything seems drudgery and I have no will to fight it.

I can also get very tearful and happy to the extremes.. once my girlie mo sorted I go back to normal...

you are not alone, but I just wanted to say that it might be worth getting blood tests as the doctor told me that anemia mimicks depression ... best of luck to you x

11-08-10, 22:53
Thanks Guys,

I said to myself yesterday...if I wana cry I will just cry..well when Im not at work anyway! I had a good sob yesterday evening and It did me the world of good.
I will be going to docs to get a blood test and I might ask for something mild to help me sleep......I keep thinking..."this too shall pass" its my motto at the moment
