View Full Version : existing

08-08-10, 23:04
Day by day I'm just existing, what's the point? year after year goes by and nothing gets better, nothing changes, I do try. I try to get together with friends but seems like a hug battle. So other than that I just sit here night after night, looking at things, in search of things to make me feel happier. Try to talk to people I know, but I feel they can't be bothered. They don't care really. Gets so lonely at times. I have nothing in life to say well that was worthwhile. What a joke.


08-08-10, 23:52
I know that feeling. Dont look at it as whats wrong with me, if you make the effort and your friends dont then surely its them at fault. Try a new approach, find something you enjoy, maybe join a club or group with the same interests, it is true that some friends do just grow apart but the great thing about that is it clears a little space for you to meet new people, experience new things. You've had a bit of a dull spot but thats all it is, tomorrowis a new day and a new opportunity to turn it around. Good luck and have fun.

blue moon
09-08-10, 23:26
Hello....I used to feel the same way,until I found something that I love doing.I joined World Vision along with my husband,who was a doctor in Iran,we are now in Australia.When i first arrived I was very sad and lonely feeling like a fish out of water no one wanted to befriend me,but now I am enjoying life much more.I think look for something that interests you,it helps take mind off your problems.:D
Love Petra