View Full Version : Headache - nearly 3 weeks !! chest pains :(

09-08-10, 09:57
Hello Everyone..

I have had a 'tension' headache for the best part of 3 weeks and from the kind responses I understand that this is a common symptom of anxiety..

Although its a constant 24/7 headache I have still managed to get myself to work.. and my normal activities..

Other symptoms alongside this headache have been chest pains and.. lower back pains and lower abdominal pains..

my question is .. can all these be linked back to anxiety ?

Any replies are welcome :D


09-08-10, 10:55
Yep all these can be linked to anxiety! I have bad chest pains everyday but I've had my heart checked and bin told its muscular due to anxiety. If it's bothering you, you could always get checked out by your doctor too for 100% certainty. xx

09-08-10, 11:10
just feels uncomfortable..I have been docs for my headaches and had all the checks done ... blood pressure fine and stuff..just scares me a bit lol

thanks for the reply


09-08-10, 11:37
can anyone shed some light on this for me .. its got me worried.

09-08-10, 13:01
Do you usually suffer from anxiety? It never ceases to amaze me the variety of symptoms anxiety can bring on but if you read the symptoms section on ehre it gives some good explanations as to why. If you are over;ly worries go to the doctors but IM sure they will tell you its anxiety.


09-08-10, 13:24
i never suffered from anxiety until recently... when i went and explained my problems .. ive been to the doctors on many occasions over the course of just a few weeks and they tell me anxiety..

its just hard to accept when u actually feel pain.

have u had similar symptoms ?


09-08-10, 17:34
When you're anxious you tense yourself up without realisin which makes all your muscles ouchie. You might hunch yourself up when you sit which would explain chest + back pains! Even your headaches could be caused by tension. I had a headache for a whole week an ended up gettin a head massager and it miraculously vanished in about 15 mins!

When my anxiety first came on about 5 months ago I was in really bad pain constantly with my chest, my left arm, left shoulder at the back, left side of my jaw and neck for weeks and weeks. It was all cuz I was holding myself the wrong way and tensing up all the time cuz I thought I was gonna have a massive heart attack any minute lol. xxx

09-08-10, 17:43
I am completing experiencing most of what you said right now..

its driving me mad..

sat at work.. head pains.. chest pains ....

its been 3 weeks !!!! when willl itttt goooooo lol


09-08-10, 17:57
Best thing you can do for the muscular pain in my opinion is relax!! Haha easier said than done atm I know how you're feeling oh too well.

When you get home run a hot bath (not too hot cuz it will make your pulse go fast and if your anything like me that will make you worse) and jus lie there really concentrating on untensing all your muscles. You could buy some lavandar oil too, I rub it on my chest where it hurts and when it's on your chest you can smell it too which is nice and calming.

Try not to over think your pain! Every time I had a chest pain it was ALWAYS a "heart attack" and I'd go into a blind panic, everytime I had leg pain I was halfway out the door like "OMG DVT!!" Obviously neither of those things have ever happend to me, it was all just silly anxiety! :D It's amazing what it can do to you huh.

Distraction is another wonderful thing! Snuggle up in bed with one of your fave movies or play a game if you've got a console. Try to have as much fun as possible as often as possible. I've found when I'm out with my friends or playin on a game I hardly even notice my anxiety anymore.

3 weeks is a really short time! I was a wreck when I first got it cuz I really didn't understand what was happening to me or accept the fact I had health anxiety. I didnt go out for 3 months, all I did was cry and panic it was awful. I've found the more you learn the easier it is to deal with. If you grab the bull by the horns now and accept you have anxitey, not a life threatening disease, and start trying to deal with it, it will go faster then you think! This is a lovely site with lovely people to help you on your way you're never alone :) Feel free to PM anytime you need xxx

Edit!! OMG can't beleive I forgot exercise. Seriously exercise helps LOADS. It realeases happy chemicals that make you feel good..ermm think endorphins? AND exercising those tensed up muscles helps to untense them after lol!

09-08-10, 18:03
that's the most sense I've heard in a while..

thanks so much for the advice and yes i think i will take it on board..

thanks for the taking the time to reply to my post !!!

lets hope we all get back to normality soon !!!! :yesyes: