View Full Version : my post yesterday no1 replied....

09-08-10, 10:47
i feel so alone today....checked my thread yesterday had loads of views but no1 replied....i guess i must be the only 1 that has felt this way...and is feeling this way!
if anyone does have any suggestions it would be so greatly appreciated...i dont like feeling alone xxxx feel so low today xxxx

09-08-10, 10:52
Hi Tracey,
Sorry honey i didnt read any post yesterday.
Im feeling crap again today also, i dont know what advice i can give to you or myself.
but because im not good at advice today doesnt mean im not here for you.
Hope you had a good weekend babe?
Its good to know there's someone on here i can talk to.
Thinking of you. xxxxx

09-08-10, 10:55
hi tracy ,,sorry your feeling so alone ..i was out so didnt see .. i feel the same i miss my daughter so much

09-08-10, 10:55
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii sharon....thank you for your reply i just felt so alone and that maybe i was being too needy on here!
oh my love...i am always here for you..but you know that.
thinking of you too.....lets hope we have a good day....please god we will xxxxx

09-08-10, 10:57
thank you gypsywoman xxxx now i know i am not alone on here...it has made me feel warm inside.
bless you....i know how that feels like xxx thinking of you both and thank you so much xxxx

09-08-10, 10:59
Hi Tracey,

i've replied to your original post, sorry hun i didn't see it yesterday.

di xx

09-08-10, 11:00
You are not being needy Tracey, we are all here for each other.
Fingers crossed for a good day for us all.
Im going to get dressed and go see my brother, probley end up crying to him. xxxxx

09-08-10, 11:09
but that is not a bad thing sharon....at least you can download and have your brothers arms around you...sometimes that is all we need.....i will pm you later on this evening to see how you are ok xxxxx

09-08-10, 11:14
Thank you sooooooooo much Tracey,
You are a star.
Hope you have a good day. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

09-08-10, 11:27
yes....positive positive positive...but it is so blasted exhausting lol xxxxx
talk later this evening...thinking of you as always.

thank you one and all for making me feel not alone...so so appreciate it xxxx and i am so sorry - i feel so a i dont know how to describe it......but knowing you are all here for me as i am for you guys is such a relief xxxxxx

09-08-10, 12:20
hi im still feeling awfull after a week on escitroplam been put on diazipam 5mg any1 had them b4 i just cant go on like this xx