View Full Version : Placebo? Need advice please

09-08-10, 10:55
Hi everyone. :)

I was just wondering, what exactly is Placebo? :shrug:I was hoping maybe it would be helpful to prevent my 13 year old son from wetting. He is growing up now, at almost 14 he is becoming more aware of his hygiene and I know this is really bothering him. He has never been dry since being a baby at night. His bedroom really smells and he can't have his friends in there, he can't even go away with friends or stay at friends houses.
So now I am thinking enough is enough. He used to be on a medication called Desmopressin but they won't prescribe it to him anymore because it's a short term med rather than long term and it can cause Kidney problems. My son loved taking this because he knew he would be dry, and yes they did work. It was a great releif for us when he was on them which was great.
So what if I got some harmless pills and used Placebo? Do you think this would work? He gets really upset by this and I would love to alleviate it for him.

Kez xx :hugs:

09-08-10, 11:37
yeah maybe you could try a placebo maybe it will work but maybe thatll only be temporary , is there any underlying problems that make him wet the bed that need to be dealt with or not ?

09-08-10, 11:39
Useful contacts
Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC)

Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence (ERIC) provides information on all aspects of bed-wetting and daytime wetting in children, teenagers and adults. Look at their excellent website and their special website for teenagers. Write to: ERIC, 34 School House, Britannia Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 8DB. Helpline: 0845 370 8008 (10 a.m. 4 p.m. Mon Fri).

National Enuresis Society and the National Kidney Foundation

The National Enuresis Society and the National Kidney Foundation are American organizations that have a website about bed-wetting, which is mostly about bed-wetting in children, but has good general information.

there is some links that i found on the subject

09-08-10, 11:40

this shows that its actually really common

09-08-10, 11:43

heres another website maybe he can relate to other people with the same problem here :) this would be good for him

10-08-10, 11:04

ERIC's website is actually www.eric.org.uk and their phone number is 0845 370 8008. Please go and have a look - the website has lots of helpful information and you can download their leaflets at www.eric.org.uk/Parents/Leaflets/tabid/126/Default.aspx. You can call them too on 0845 370 8008 - their helpline staff are brilliant!

Bedwetting is more common than you probably think. It affects 1 in 12 children and young people - that's over half a million children in the UK. ERIC's helpline provides information, resources and support with bedwetting and other childhood continence problems.

There are lots of simple steps that you can take to work towards stopping bedwetting. The ERIC helpline will give you lots of information about why bedwetting happens and things you can try to stop it happening - so call them on 0845 370 8008. They are open from 10am until 4pm Monday-Friday. Please give them a call!

Best wishes & good luck,
