View Full Version : Does anybody suffer with.....

09-08-10, 11:25
A dull ache in there chest and shoulder/shoulder blade? It's seems very deep, muscular, tendon like pain? I wouldn't say it's chronic! Just a niggling, dull ache. This is all felt on the right side. I also have the same dull ache in my neck/throat (right sided only) it is very worrying. I'm struggling to believe this is anxiety related? I don't even feel anxious like it did??? These symptoms are actually happening a few months after all the panic attacks???

The neck/throat pain is very worrying. I still feel as if there is something 'in' my throat. It feels thick, bigger on one side and sometimes as if debris is there? This is the bain of my life. I'm so scared I have a form of cancer that all the doctors are ignoring. My relationship is going down the pain. I'm moody and living as if I'm dying? I want this to go. I just had a Barium Swallow and am so frightened at what the results will be. I'm sure I saw something untoward on the screen?? Please help me. I can't deal with this thing in my throat anymore???


09-08-10, 11:31
like all other symptoms anxiety brings it will pass i have horrid taste in my mouth i panic about that but know its access acid .we have to think what might cause it then try to stop worrying ,its so hard