View Full Version : diazipam 5mg need advice?

09-08-10, 12:24
has any 1 had these b4 do they help x

09-08-10, 12:31

Yeh ive been on them for a week to help with a tension headache, and to help me sleep better..

they have slightly worked..

what have they been prescribed for?


09-08-10, 12:36
to help calm me why my meds kick in im in a really bad way at the moment my panick attacks are really bad im so scared and dont stp crying xx

09-08-10, 12:39
yeh .. i think they will be good for you as you make the transision onto your new meds..

Remember the doctor knows whats best for you...

Keep you chin up..

Adam :)

09-08-10, 12:40
they are very good to relax you but ,only short term use as they can become addictive take them better than the feeling of anxiety any day

09-08-10, 12:52
thanks guys i just want to be bk to normal i cant enjoy my kids im just feelin awfull all the time xx

09-08-10, 12:59
they may make you feel bit tierd but will ware off there great

09-08-10, 13:09
thanks hun ave u ever had escitroplam xx

09-08-10, 13:16
sorry no ,, do you take them ,,if the doctor has given you both it will be fine xxxchill :hugs:

09-08-10, 13:18
i no i just keep thinkin am i still here thats all i keep thinkin and its stupid but cant get it out my head

09-08-10, 13:25
anxiety and depression makes you feel strange , its awful , you only have to read all the post o this site alone ,as to how it robs you of identity feelings and saps our strength till we believe we cant go on and ask ourselves who we are ,,we look at people going about there daily lives and wonder why we cant BE OUR OLD SELVES AGAIN ,the truth is we are still the same but our thinking has changed ,,

09-08-10, 13:58
You could try taking 1/2 tablet = 2.5 mg at first. That's all I need to feel calmer.

Short term they can get you through.

My friend has them when she fly's and she says without them she could not get on the plane, let alone fly