View Full Version : Nausea symptoms end of my tether!

09-08-10, 14:52
Hello, I would be really greatful for any advice or anyone who had had similar symptoms. I am so low at the moment i fear this may be the final straw and i don't know which way to turn. I know nausea is common with anxiety and i have suffered for years, but i also have emetophobia (fear of vomiting) so it is incredibly hard to tolerate. I have acid reflux which i have medication for but the newest problem is the feeling like i am about to gag. It comes on suddenly and it is a bit like a spasm at the back of the throat, it stops me in my tracks and then i get really panicky waiting for it to happen again. Please is there anything i can do to get it to stop, has anyone experience this exact thing? I have referral to gastro but i can't go as i know they want to do endoscopy and this is simply out of the question for an emetophobe! Im afraid of what will happen now as this situation cannot go on, i simply can't live with this!

09-08-10, 15:00
if you type in the search box emetophobia there you will be able to read other posts about sickness hope this helps