View Full Version : Anxeity nerve damage?

09-08-10, 15:03
Hi, can you permantely damange the nervous system in your brain thru long term high anxiety I'm worrying as I've been suffering from high anxiety for about 6 months and worried that it caused irreperable damage. currently suffering bad dp and like a zombie. :shrug:

09-08-10, 15:12
if that was the case .we all would be in a very bad way ,,no it wont our brains are too active ,,i have had anxiety 3 years ,i am a chessplayer and artist ,, so i shouldnt worry

09-08-10, 15:18
if that was the case .we all would be in a very bad way ,,no it wont our brains are too active ,,i have had anxiety 3 years ,i am a chessplayer and artist ,, so i shouldnt worry

Thanks for reassurance, the depersonalisation is deliberating going round the house like zombie and was worried it may be permanent due to nerve damage as had it for months now.

09-08-10, 15:22
no the brain is stronger than you think ,, its marvelous like a computer,it stores everything ,that's why we suffer all these awful feelings ..

Natalie x
09-08-10, 15:34
Hi there. Gypsywomen is right; if that was the case then we would be frazzled! Try not to worry. The depersonalisation is all liknked to anxiety. I used to get it too, adn another thing that I find myself doing is thinking & focusing so much into everything I do if that makes sense and think about me. I know it probably sounds really silly, and it's hard for me to describe, but I think it's depersonalisation x

10-08-10, 23:41
Thanks for the reasurance. Memory is terrible as well but trying to accept this and get on with my life. I can remember events that have happened recently but get confused and worry when have difficulty remembering when they happened (get the days wrong even though the event may have happened just yesterday!!!!). :blink: Assume this just the anxiety monster again overtiring my mind and hoping that this will slowly get better once I get anxiety in check. :mellow:

19-08-10, 20:13
Just one more thing. Had this depersonalisation constantly for months and got to the point that I cannot stop thinking about it all the time and that it is doing me harm and that it getting worse- doesn't matter what I do. I know this makes it worse but cannot get out of this cycle. Everything appears foreign even some body sensations like hunger (I know this is weird) and daily tasks are proving very difficult to do now. Worried it'll get so entrenched that I will never break out of it and that it will be permanent. :scared15:

19-08-10, 20:54
I'm exactly the same (only had it for one month though) I was fine.. Own my own shop..happy..always laughing..Then suddenly think the stress crept up with me...I've been a nervous wreck for a month solid...BAD TIMES...There are always Glimmers of hope though..Were obviously Over thinking everything... But when you think about over thinking...then think about thinking about thinking about overthinking..HAHAHA... Oh dear? I'm sure with prcatice we'll both be fine xxx

19-08-10, 21:50
Just one more thing. Had this depersonalisation constantly for months and got to the point that I cannot stop thinking about it all the time and that it is doing me harm and that it getting worse- doesn't matter what I do. I know this makes it worse but cannot get out of this cycle. Everything appears foreign even some body sensations like hunger (I know this is weird) and daily tasks are proving very difficult to do now. Worried it'll get so entrenched that I will never break out of it and that it will be permanent. :scared15:

I feel the same right now. I have also been suffering depersonlization for months, foreign (like you don't recognize places and people) and I have had the hunger symptom but also very weak/tired, the need to stay indoors, avoid people be safe.

I just want it to get better but that sounds alot like I am going through, after a period of stress..and I feel this most of the day..it can go away and I think about it and it comes back.

19-08-10, 21:55
I'm exactly the same (only had it for one month though) I was fine.. Own my own shop..happy..always laughing..Then suddenly think the stress crept up with me...I've been a nervous wreck for a month solid...BAD TIMES...There are always Glimmers of hope though..Were obviously Over thinking everything... But when you think about over thinking...then think about thinking about thinking about overthinking..HAHAHA... Oh dear? I'm sure with prcatice we'll both be fine xxx

Think my prob is i have got it into my head that my dp is the worst ever and nobody has it this bad and the symptoms r something much worse try to convince myself its only anx causing it but the anx bites back convincing me its destroying my brain, I'm gonna end up insane and so it goes on. is so hard to stop the thoughts the longer it goes on it seems to take over your life. At first i just put up with it but it just kept coming back stronger. Yeah u rite its just overthinking everything its gonna be a battle for me to hopefully get thru it it just gonna take time and a lot of effort just need the correct techniques to manage it from somewhere. All the best to you in your recovery.

20-08-10, 09:49
I feel the same right now. I have also been suffering depersonlization for months, foreign (like you don't recognize places and people) and I have had the hunger symptom but also very weak/tired, the need to stay indoors, avoid people be safe.

I just want it to get better but that sounds alot like I am going through, after a period of stress..and I feel this most of the day..it can go away and I think about it and it comes back.

I agree with a lot of people that dp is up there as one of the most distressing symptoms of anxiety, even simple tasks like making a cup of coffee I find seems weird and foreign it's like my normal thought processes like decision making are not working correctly. Does this make sense? It's like my mind is always somewhere else thinking about the dp and this scares me and just makes my anx worse! :weep:

The solution is to stop thinking about it and it will eventually go away but this is easier said than done but it CAN be done as there are lots of people who have managed it.

20-08-10, 10:04
I've been reading a book called "PEACE FROM NERVOUS SUFFERING" by DR CLAIRE WEEKES! It's now my companion! She had Anxiety and Agrophobia and it just puts your mind at ease... As it explains symptoms and also gives you techniques ect!

Good luck too xxx

25-08-10, 18:50
Just got Claire Weeks book "Self help for your nerves" from amazon only just over £4 :)