View Full Version : Vibrations. Some help please...

Natalie x
09-08-10, 15:04
Does anyone ever get vibrations in their head? I've had these twice today; 1 earlier and 1 just a few minutes ago, but my second one was just after I moved my head to quickly. Do you think this is what has caused this? I also wear glasses for on the computer etc. and I'be had them on for a bit today becuase my right eye was sore (that's my bad eye), but I'm totally freaking out that they're linked. Has anyone ever had the vibration before? Need some re-assurance please. Thanks x

09-08-10, 15:09
yes had it yesterday like an electric shock ,, its an adrenaline rush that cause it don't worry

Natalie x
09-08-10, 15:11
Thank you for your reply. I've had it before but it alwsys seems to scare me. It's like a power surge. Does it ever knock you off your balance? Also, do you eve get the feeling like you're rocking back and forward? I had this too and am just curious x

09-08-10, 15:14
:)yes the same ,,now and then i get it when falling off to sleep as well ..just another awful symptom of anxiety xx

Natalie x
09-08-10, 15:17
It's so horrible and it's horrible how it makes you feel. I just get so scared sometimes. I've been doing so well with these head worries, but it just takes one thing to knock you back again :( x

09-08-10, 15:18
yes it does but you will be ok love:)

Natalie x
09-08-10, 15:19
Thanks for your replies. Hope fully I'll be okay and the worries will pass! x

09-08-10, 17:17
yes! i get everything. i has this driving once i thought i was going to die. but i didn't.

Kerry B
09-08-10, 23:14
I have vibrations but there normally in my foot at one time I thought I had my mobile phone by my foot and it was vibrating, but it wasnt it was my foot and it did freek me out x