View Full Version : please some 1 tell me i will get better

09-08-10, 16:50
i cant get theses thoughts out my head AM I STILL HERE why am i thinking that im having such a hard time and nothin seems to be helping me

09-08-10, 16:57
sorry i cannot be of any help to you Julie i feel the same way but there are loads of great people on here that will be able to give you good advice. xx

09-08-10, 17:10
if i didnt have the stupid thoughts in my head id be ok x

09-08-10, 17:12
can you provide more detail on your problem julie?

09-08-10, 17:21
i suffer from panick attacks but over the last 2 weeks they have been really bad from the moment i wake up till i go to bed my doctor has changed my meds to escitroplam but ive only been takin them for a week also diazipam which dont seem to be working i feel sick shaking all the time and havin stupid thoughts sayin am i still here i dont understand why

09-08-10, 17:25
Um did the thoughts only start after you changed your meds? because in that case you probably should call your doctor.

09-08-10, 17:37
I'm in the same boat Julie I start takin Cipralex tom scared stiff but I guess you will have to give them time to work they are recommended by a lot of shrinks/GP's good luck x keep in touch why don't you go on the medications thread and go on to the Escatilapram/Cipralex/lexpraxo forum

09-08-10, 17:41
i went to my docs and told her and she just said give my tabs time to work i just feel like im never gonna get better xx

09-08-10, 17:46
Go and have a look at the medications forum/thread and have a look at the posts on escalitapram/cipralex/lexapro (excuse the spellings) keep going Julie x

09-08-10, 17:52
ive had a look they take 2 to 4 weeks to work its only been a week its seems forever xx

09-08-10, 17:59
That's what scares me but gotta stick with em' don't stop/start/change that's what brought on my anxiety well actually stoppin' em' dead after 5/6 years cos I felt ok one day my shrink has put me back on em' starting tom at 5mg for a week then on to 10mg as well as weaning me off Mirtazapine min dose for a week 15mg the worst bit for me gotta finish my clonazepam tom as well it takes the edge off, good luck stick with it if you wanna email the company that makes em' it's ukinfo@lundbeck.com

09-08-10, 18:01
its horrible i just feel so low xx

09-08-10, 18:03
I know just keep going with it! xx

09-08-10, 18:07
i am really tired all the time feel sick hopefully i feel myself soon xx

09-08-10, 18:36
you will xx

09-08-10, 18:42
thanks hun xx

10-08-10, 13:25
took my first 5mg of Cipralex today feel bloody awful but I am weaning off mirtazapine and clonazepam as well so that won't help no going back now up to 10mg next week!!!!

10-08-10, 13:52
I'm not sure meds are the way forward, we have the power within us.

10-08-10, 15:05
not everyone can cope without the meds though I guess some are better than others

10-08-10, 17:23
its only the anxiety you are feeling along with the thought that makes it feel awful - when you take the thought on its own - am i still here - what is scary about that lol? its just your mind playing tricks on you. it is usual to feel terrible when waiting for meds to kick in - they usually take at least 2 weeks to even start to feel any benefit so keep going - you are half way there. you need to really just try and accept everything happening to you - you will not go mad - its just that every time you think oh my god - i will never get better etc you are piling on even more anxiety - your body is actually reacting quite normally - it is in fact trying to protect you and will calm down when you accept that this is how you feel at the moment but that it will lift. most of anxiety is a pure vicious circle. i can assure you that you could come out of this even without medication if you just let yourself feel the panic and every time you have a panicked thought - change it to a more positive one. you do have to accept that you will not feel instantly better - that biologically it takes a few weeks for your body to get the message.

i really do advise you get the book at last a life by paul david - he has his own website and its the only book that i followed the advice with and came through times such as you describe without any medication x

10-08-10, 20:39
ive had a bit better day but still feel a bit crap havent moved out the door got bad tension head aches xx

10-08-10, 22:40
thanks cant wait till i get better for my kids xx

11-08-10, 13:36
you will get better! We all been through these periods. There is going to be an improvement. I am on 30mg of cipralex for two months and I am still trying not to think the bad periods. You will get better

11-08-10, 23:12
it took mine 6 weeks to kick in but im glad i pushed on thru, its week 11 now and am feeling back to normal nearly :hugs: hang in there the thoughts are nothing really honest its just our anxiety that gives us them they will go with each tablet you take .my thoughts were really scarey i didnt want to be here but i kept saying also to myself its not me its just a thought and im stronger then my thoughts was hard work but soon enuf my tablets were working cos i stopped having them... dont let it freak you out it will pass..

lisa x:D