View Full Version : its all over my notes

09-08-10, 18:15
hi guys

im really worried that doctors will not take my complaints seriously because ive got so many notes from psychiatrist to GP saying he is worried he might have cancer etc.

basically my notes are full of health anxiety stuff !!

do any of you worry about this like me!!

09-08-10, 19:33
I do completely understand this as I am a nurse, and have seen in the past how anxious patients have been "labelled" I have to say that things are better now, especially since patients tend to get copies of medical correspondence.
I guess that it is down to us to overcome the shame or whatever of having anxiety issues. I know I get really embarrassed, but in reality it is just another illness, so there really is no need!

09-08-10, 20:09
I really worry about this too, I know my Dr does not want to put me through loads of tests as he thinks this will just fuel my anxiety so I worry that he will not test me and therefore willmiss something really serious. I guess we just have to trust that Drs are trained to spot things that are really serious, but it is hard sometimes, as the symptoms of anxiety really do mirror all kinds of nasty diseases. I always console myself with the thought that if it really gets that bad, I will use the last of my savings and go private! I have never done this yet but it comforts me to have a fallback option, if you know what I mean!

10-08-10, 00:02
Must admit, this is something I've been concerned about for a while as I know in the next 12 months I'm going to end up having to change doctor as I will be moving. my current GP is absolutely brilliant; the health centre are GP trainers for a medical school, so the general standard of care is excellent. On top of this though, he has a really good understanding of mental health issues and manages to find a good balance between treating physical illnesses when I have them, and dealing with the anxiety.

I know it will be a really tough ask to find a GP who is this good, and I do worry that a new GP will get hold of my notes and make judgements about my general nuttiness, rather than about the whole of me.