View Full Version : could this be why my blood results were off?

09-08-10, 20:02
I posted the other day saying I have to a have a biopsy on lymph gland in september because my blood test results showed a "slight inflammation"

Yesterday I started to get a sore throat and it has gotten worse today!
Could this be what was causing my blood results to be slightly inflamed? xxx

09-08-10, 23:58
It's possible, as any sort of infection in our bodies will cause an immune response, so something as simple as a cold or a sore throat will make our antibodies swing into action.

10-08-10, 00:44
Most definatley, Even a pimple can cause inflammation indicators to be slightly elevated. Best wishes x

10-08-10, 09:58
I think if the inflammation markers have to be very high to cause concern. The normal I think 1-4, then 5-10 is slighty raised. The serious problems are usually in the 100s.