View Full Version : This is getting very boring now

09-08-10, 20:13
Hi all

New to posting but I have been a lurker for some time :)

I have spent the last few days in anxiety hell with a tight throat, tired and tearful.

Does anyone else get this ridiculous tight throat/lump in the throat sensation? I know it's common one but I swear it's there when I'm not feeling anxious and then I notice it and it MAKES me anxious. The docs have looked down my throat 3 times and whilst it is always a bit sore (from giving up smoking 3 months ago - it's healing) there are no lumps or bumps that can be seen nor felt. It's dry down there and my voice goes hoarse now and then. But it goes away when I eat or cry which certainly points to anxiety, right?

Thing is I'm now getting annoyed and upset about it as it just isn't going away and that is increasing my anxiety because, of course, I'm starting to convince myself it is throat cancer.

So now after a few days (probably over a week really) of feeling really tired, not sleeping well, kinda depersonalised and crying for no apparent reason I'm getting really bored but also starting to worry about my state of mind at times as it's all driving me nuts.

How can I get over this?

09-08-10, 21:08

i am oh so bored with it all....the headaches, the tiredness, the feelings of being scared!!!!!!!!!! how do we overcome it.....one day at a time i guess....we will come through this...this is what i say...its a blip...nothing lasts forever so this wont either.

and finding this site is a true true blessing xxxxx love tracey xxxx

09-08-10, 21:17
i get that hun, had doc look down my throat too!!! im bored with all the health anx too.. it takes over every waking moment!! so im hopeing now my new meds might work xx

09-08-10, 22:25
I get the throat thing often, have done for years :-( It's like you describe, i dont think im anxious and then my throat feels a bit blocked and i get anxious about it.

The best thing to do is try not to think about it (incredibly hard i know). Boiled sweets and chewing gum often help.

09-08-10, 23:09
Hi there,

if you read all my posts they are about my throat and neck!!! F£@k me this is really getting to me! I'm so worried I have a tumor? My symptoms have been going on for 5 months now. This is scaring the hell out of me. It's affecting my life and relationship - I can't cope. I am not living I'm excisting.

I've had the cam up my nose and down my throat - nothing detected. Been to A&E! Nothing detected. Had a Barium Swallow last Friday - awaiting results (another worry - had a letter from NHS today, didn't want to open as I thought it was results from x ray) I'm just beside myself and sympathise with you all. I'm struggling to believe this is anxiety. I don't feel anxious! The symptoms make me feel anxious.

I have a MRI and ultrasound booked too. Do any of you have a dull ache as well? Mine is all on the right side. Deep, right sided throat pain, feeling of something in the throat, dull ache at base of skull, right sided shoulder pain, ache in right side of chest - feels as if it's radiating. Deep muscular pain. I'm so scared. Does anyone else get my symptoms?

God bless

Nina x

10-08-10, 00:26
Wow Nina you're brave. I couldn't have tests like that done. I have had an MRI for a problem that I know is real (not throat related) and not anxiety but my anxiety issues have prevented me from going back for the results - I keep delaying the docs appointment.

Anyway, if you have had the camera etc etc and nothing shows you've got to be in good shape! I have had a trapped nerve in my neck that gave me pain like you're describing. Trapped nerve pain hurts like crazy and can send pain to the weirdest places - could it be that? Assuming the barium results are normal maybe you need a chiropractor?

11-08-10, 14:12
Hi, thank god I found all these posts regarding your throat. Im a long term anxiety sufferer, just when things were under control thanx to CBT, diet, exercise etc I get a new symptom that has turned my world upside down and is scaring the life out of me, MY THROAT!!! I feel like im choking then I panic which makes it worse, the worse it gets the more I panic, catch 22. I think it all started cause id had a really bad cough and maybe id strained my neck but whilst watch tv while calm & relaxed suddenly my throat felt very tight and I just went into panic overload and that was almost a week ago, now everytime its quiet and im relaxed (well as relaxed as I can be) it happens again but I worry how tight will it get? What about when im asleep? This is really getting me down but atleast I know im not alone. Sorry for going on.
Charlotte xx

11-08-10, 15:04
Boiled sweets and chewing gum often help.


I personaly find thease things make my throat worse.

Interesteing how peoples bodys react in different ways.