View Full Version : a pick-me-up

09-08-10, 21:05
Have had a really bad day just been upset all day. Didnt manage to get into work and gonna have tomorrow off but must be in on Wed. I need to find some get up and go to try and cheer myself up so im not a jibbering wreck on wednesday, any ideas?

09-08-10, 21:10
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - if you can do get some fresh air....if you can xxxxx

even better if you can go for a swim.

i guess what i am saying is do something that will occupy your mind xxxx it helps for me xxxxx

09-08-10, 21:12
Im thinking of my perfect pick me up...it would have to be George Clooney...he can pick me up anytime!!!
On a serious note when Im feeling down I get out my gym ball and exercise dvd..trying to stay on the damn ball soon has my laughing.
Hope you feel better soon, take care

09-08-10, 21:15
ah yes, not so good n the exercise ball myself! i volunteer at my local rspca centre so im thinking i shall walk some dogs and then go for a walk or something, thanks for the advice peeps!

Kerry B
09-08-10, 21:42
Hi Atki I feel exactely the same as you today been in my PJ all day. I feel so depressed and have also been crying so you are not alone. lets hope we feel better tomorrow, I am going to make an effort and go out and do something. Take Care Kerry

09-08-10, 23:32
let me know how it goes x