View Full Version : looking forward

09-08-10, 22:03
I have been reading these forums for months now, and I hope by joining I can heal and move forward form my anxiety / depression. It is so comforting to know I am not alone in my feelings.

I am a 30 year old woman, married with 3 children. On the outside I have a lovely life. My husband is great, and very supportive, my kids are healthy happy and beautiful, and I have a well paid part-time job which I love. But for the past 3 or 4 years I have had depression on and off and anxiety. A lot of it stems from my childhood - probably more than I care to admit, although I have had a rough few years which seems to have triggered these feelings. I have been on different meds in the past and had private counselling, all of which I have found to be a short term gain, not a long term coping strategy.

Now I am just going to try and look forward and heal myself, so that I can hopefully look forward to the rest of my life with some positivity.

Thanks for listening, :flowers:

09-08-10, 22:04
Hi winterjas

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-08-10, 09:39
Hello winterjas,

Please, you don't have to try and justify why you have depression. It doesn't matter how your life looks from the outside, it's what's going on inside you that matters and it can stem from experiences from many years ago. It catches up with you at some point in your life. You can't look at people's lives and judge how they "should" be feeling, so don't be so hard on yourself. You've made the first step to recovery by joining this site and you will get comfort and support from others who can understand how you feel. There is light at the end of the tunnel so don't despair. :hugs:

Vanilla Sky
10-08-10, 20:13
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x

10-08-10, 21:39
Hello winterjas,
Just wanted to say hi as I can relate a lot to what you have said.
Hope things improve for you soon, I really feel they have started to do so for me and admitting my feelings to myself and a small number of trusted people had been a major step to my recovery.