View Full Version : My battles with the bus.

09-08-10, 22:34
Last week I decided that I'd go on a two hour bus ride today to my boyfriends house.
I didn't think I'd manage it alone so I asked him to meet me halfway. So I did the first hour alone and the second with my boyfriend.
Before I left the house I felt like hell had packed up and moved into my stomach. I was getting myself into such a state over it that I nearly called it off.
But I got my lift into town as planned. Went and got some magazines to keep me distracted on the bus.
AND I did it. I didn't have a panic attack on the bus, and even took off my travel sickness wristbands.
I also finally took the plunge today and met his parents, after almost 5 months of putting it off.
Today was an achievement to say the least :yesyes:

10-08-10, 16:53
Well done! that's great news, I totally empathise with the fear of the bus, I have posted before about my hour long two buses journey to work and same back every day, but passed my driving test today so hope that I might be able to drive to work from now on. You have done great not only travelling so far but meeting the parents too, very stressful! Congrats :)

10-08-10, 18:38
Thank you. I'm glad someone shares my issues with the bus.
Well done you too. :yesyes:
Driving should be quicker and less stressful for you.

15-08-10, 20:08
Thats really good news. I, too, have huge issues with busses. I am fine on most other forms of public transport including trains and trams, but busses make me anxious.

I'm glad you managed to do it :)

15-08-10, 20:39
Thank you.
It's lovely to know I'm not the only one who has these issues.
I'm yet to try the train yet though :unsure:

~glowly worm~
06-09-10, 08:54
Thats brilliant Shinderuko :) :) :) :yesyes:
I'm sure the confidence that has given you will allow you to employ the same techniques to using the train ;) Keep us posted! :)

Fly away Katie
06-09-10, 09:55
Well done!! Thats fantastic :yesyes::yahoo::bighug1::yesyes::D

06-09-10, 10:15
Weldone thats great news!:hugs:

06-09-10, 17:02
Thank you everyone :D
I had to get on the train a few days ok to meet my younger brother. It was a 30 minute journey into London and then a 20 minute journey on the tube.
I was with myboyfriend so felt quite safe. But I did have a panic attack. The train was awful but the tube didn't seem as bad. Although I had a panic attack I did it, I met my brother and I brought him back to mine. I'm glad I did it as I couldn't let him down.

~glowly worm~
09-09-10, 11:18
Hey shinderuko :)

Really well done on the travelling :D
Have you another trip planned? Perhaps one for an exciting shopping trip or somthing you might find exciting?

It's great that you had someone with you i'm just wondering if you can do it again with them soon so as to keep up the great progress and have it over ride the panic!

~glowly~ x