View Full Version : Hello

Rose Conway
23-02-06, 22:01
Hello Everyone,

So glad I found this place. I have had panic attacks for the past 5 years, but cannot track down what is causing them. I have been treated with anti depressants but they are not the answer. Hopefully I will gain some insights from those here.



24-02-06, 02:34
Welcome Rose,

Panics can come out of the blue for no apparent reason.

If you have no serious worries that cause them, then you are more likely to get over their recurrence in time.

Look upon them as a friend and not an enemy. They do not harm you.

Make sure you read the piece on Panic Attacks on the main part of the site, and a few posts relating to them in the forum.

Take Care now,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

24-02-06, 08:01
hiya rose.and welcome.

try not to look too deeply, sometimes there really is nothing specific. if you need any help im always here

24-02-06, 09:28
Hi Rose

Welcome to the forum.

I joined this week to & have already have taken on board some great advice, as im sure that you will to.

Take Care


24-02-06, 11:20
hi and welcome xx

24-02-06, 11:31
HI Rose,

Most of the time when you think that panics are out of the blue and have been medically checked out, they are due to how you are talking to yourself and what messages you are giving yourself on a day to day and continual basis.

Do read the messages on the common links pages about Thoughts and thought processes.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

24-02-06, 11:48
Hi Rose

U will get great support and advice Welcome.:D:D

linda xx

24-02-06, 19:27
Hi Rose

A warm welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.


Rose Conway
24-02-06, 21:22
Thank you all for your welcomes. I'm taking on board some of the advice given. I gave up caffeine about a month ago, and sleeping is so much better now.


24-02-06, 22:16
Hi Rose

Pleased you found the site. Great to hear you are sleeping better, look forward to hearing more from you.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".