View Full Version : Now I'm really worried!

10-08-10, 03:04
Hi Everyone

My anxiety has flared up in quite a big way. I find I usually worry more about the missed beats/ectopics etc but now I am really worrying about the fact that I seem to have a fuzzy mind. Its like i've taken sedation etc or am jet lagged. I had this I think many years ago. I feel like i'm in a dream although i know i'm not. I went to see my doctor this morning just to chat about it. All was fine and she said she hadn't heard me say anything that caused her to think it was nasty and that she didn't think she needed to send me for an MRI or catscan to check for brain tumors :ohmy:. I hadn't even thought about that! but now I am. I'm thinking do i go get one to see if everything is alright or just try to calm down and think logically and try to let it pass then hopefully it all goes back to normal. Now i'm more scared. :shrug:. I was already worried about the brain fog or whatever it is, now i'm thinking it might be more than anxiety. Any advice would be most appreciated.

Thanks guys

10-08-10, 04:05
Hello Tracy :)
The symptoms you described sounds like anxiety, and that's all! :D I remember that I used to have that all the time, and had the same fear as you're having now :weep: But it's just your anxiety really, making you feel bad like this ._.' And f your doctor told you you didn't have to worry, then you don't, right? :D But if it could give you some peace of mind, you should do the test, just to see that nothing's wrong :D

I hope you feel better! :hugs:

10-08-10, 07:28

10-08-10, 07:47
Hi Guys

Thankyou both so much for your replies :). It really helps being able to speak to someone that understands. I will leave it a few days and see how I go. I'll try and just accept the feelings for now and see if I lose my fear of them it clears up :blush:

Fingers crossed
