View Full Version : OCD??

10-08-10, 04:33
Hi everyone. I have a handful of problems but not to sure about this one if its OCD or me just being silly? For a few years now i refuse to let anyone make me a drink (not even my own partner!), i won't drink tap water, won't go near alcohol or anything with caffeine in. Alot of it is for fear of not being in control of myself, caffeine tends to make me shakey. Damn do i miss a nice can of coke though lol!

10-08-10, 08:22
sounds very much like OCD to me, the difference between that and you being silly being that if it were just you being silly you wouldn't really take so much control it'd be more like 'I really fancy that can of coke so I'll have a little amount which won't do me much harm, or I really can't be bothered to get up and my partner has just offered to make a drink so yes please I'll have one'
OCD is a lot more controlling in that the thought of drinking even a small amount of anything with caffeine in it would be distressing for you .