View Full Version : Hi everybody

10-08-10, 06:00
Hey, my name's Jack and I'm 22.

I would never usually plan on posting on sites like this, as I feel talking about worrys and that seem to make me a lot worse, but at the moment I feel very, very alone and someone suggested I give this forum a go.

I've been on all sorts of medication in the past and battled a bit with alcohol. I've been off work for one year, I suppose it was my own fault that I never sought help when I was younger, and ended up seeing a therapist when I had a breakdown at work.

I've stopped drinking and have finished my CBT for various health anxieties, which I'd like to say has helped, but certainly not substantially.

I am currently on Citalopram, into my 10th day or so and was alright, untill I found out some bad news about an ex girlfriend, which I couldn't handle, and now I am really, really struggling, and cannot seem to get comfort in anything. My therapist is away so there is just no one who I can speak to, and I feel like I am going insane, and scare myself rigid.

Today, the doctor prescribed my with diazapam. I would be so happy to take it, if I knew it would work, but I'm so so terrorfied of any adverse effects (perhaps a testament to how acute this anxiety is). I'm not scared of the addiction at all, I just need to know I'm not mad is all really.

I hope to get some reassurance via this site, and am looking forward to giving advice on certain thing's I've learned.


10-08-10, 06:01
Hi VladJack

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-08-10, 07:00
Hi Jack,
I understand what you mean about talking about worries may make them worse, which is why I don't - I go into the chatroom and have a laugh and a joke. All the best. Baggs.

10-08-10, 08:16
hi jack, I'm sorry you're going through this we all understand to a certain degree how awful this is. You're not mad at all, it's a very real feeling, but that's all it is just a feeling it can't harm you although the physical sensations that come with it are often nasty but they do pass with time.
so you were doing ok til you found out some bad news? perhaps after you get over that shock and work through it things will settle down a bit and you won't need the diaz. I completely understand your reluctance to take the diaz, perhaps there are some other things you could try like deep breathing exercises, chamomile tea, aromatherapy oils like lavender, neroli (although you may smell girly after using)
I hope things settle down for you soon

11-08-10, 07:55
Thanks for the replys guys.

I've tried all sorts of remedy's, but none of which have really prevailed. I think I need more help shifting thoughts out of my head. I was told one that the more you want something out of your mind, the worse it'll be. They use the 'pink rabbit' example, and try and get you to 'un-think' it.

There are techniques that I think I should explore to help me with this.

After reading a bit of this site, I'm more convinced that ever that I'm obsessive compulsive about certain things and feed my own fears really badly.

Though there's so much peace of mind just knowing I've got support here.

Thanks again.


Vanilla Sky
11-08-10, 18:24
H and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x