View Full Version : Anxiety kicking in

10-08-10, 07:49
My son has his pre school jabs this afternoon, I have a needle phobia, no one else can take him, I have asked this the 3rd appointment cancelled the rest, but I have to go today,

Can feel the old anxiety bubbling just thinking about it just hope I can through it without making a fool of myself :huh:

10-08-10, 08:50
I've got a phobia of needles too, had to have some blood tests once and yep you can get through it! :D I know it's easier said than done but try not to wind yourself up about it too much, keep distracted til you have to go and try to push it out your head with happy thoughts. When he's getting his jabs try to look at anything but the needle! Look at your son maybe try to talk to him about something completely unrelated, distract both of you by talkin about a poster on the wall or something or ask if he's excited about school. (You've probs asked him this 100s of times already but 1 more won't hurt :D) It will be over and done with faster than you think and you'll be walkin out the door before you know it and be a stronger person for it! Take care :) xxx

Edit, you could also quietly tell the nurse you've got a phobia of needles so she doesn't make a big fuss of it xx

10-08-10, 08:52
:) you doing the right thing by going

10-08-10, 17:50
well the jabs went well my anxiety levels were high but I managed to control them with deep breathing and talking aload of rubbish to the nurse, did explain about the phobia and anxiety to her

so hopefully she didn't think i was crazy, but my son was really good no tears nothing just took it all in his stride xx

11-08-10, 19:52
well done :) *hugs*