View Full Version : Diagnosed with DVT - now really paranoid

10-08-10, 09:55

I was diagnosed with a DVT in my right calf 2 months ago. It is classed as idiopathic in that they do not know the reason for it - no obvious risk factors such as flying, immobility, recent surgery etc.

I have had my HA quite well under control for a while, but this has really set it off again big time.

I stupidly started to research potential causes, findings etc and have ended up putting myself into a real state by reading a number of medical studies that show idiopathic DVT being a high risk sign for as yet undiagnosed cancer.

I regularly get discomfort in my upper left abdominal area and have convinced myself that it must be stomach or pancreatic cancer. The doctor has said it is probably just reflux and not to panic because of my ago (I'm 35).

I am crying myself to sleep every night, thinking that I wont see my 3 year old grow up. I know it is completely irrational but I can't help it. My DVT was diagnosed 2 years to the day of my mums funeral, after she died of a pulmonary embolism from an undiagnosed DVT. If it wasn't for how she died, I would probably have never gone to the Doctors when I had the mild ache (no other symptoms) in my calf.

Has anyone else had anything similar in terms of the DVT and any luck in finding out the reason ?

Thanks very much.

10-08-10, 10:01
Hi there

Have you asked your doctor for the blood tests which can show a predisposition to DVTs and similar events? - particularly as your mother also had one.

I'm just trying to remember the name of it - it might be something like "sticky blood syndrome", but people who have this are more prone to DVTs. At least if this was identified, then you would have a cause for it and be less likely to worry that it was being caused by something more sinister.

Your doctor's right about your age and pancreatic cancer - it really is very rare in people under 50, unless they have had huge alcohol problems in the past.

Have you asked him/her about the stuff you have read on the net about DVT being linked to undiagnosed cancer? It might help put your mind at rest, as he/she might be able to give you a long list of reasons why they think you're fine.

10-08-10, 12:29
I was going to say something similar. Have you had the tests to explore hereditary factors? There are a few things like protein deficiencies which are hereditary and can make you more likely to suffer DVT's. The fact that your mum had it too would make this a far more likely cause than undiagnosed cancer. BTW, sorry to hear about your mum. :hugs: