View Full Version : Feeling down, isolated and alone

10-08-10, 12:05
I'm not really sure how to explain how I feel but here goes.
I just want somebody to talk to, to understand and I want these painful feelings and thoughts to leave me alone.
I have never believed in myself much and I find myself feeling isolated as I feel none of my friends and family understand.
Every time I feel I'm starting to do well in life the negative thoughts and emotions return and hold me back and frustrate me.
I feel uncomfortable around friends when my life isn't going well and when people are around my flat I worry how often I use the toilet and that makes me need to go more
Quite often I hold off going as I'm afraid of what they'll think
I don't know why I worry or care, it seems so silly.
Can anybody relate to any of this? Id be greatful for any feedback and advise.


10-08-10, 12:15

10-08-10, 12:36
I know what you mean about friends and family not understanding. Mine just think its all a big joke and that im wierd but never offer a hand of help.

10-08-10, 18:54
I have taken escitalapram but that just had horrible side effects. That was around 3 years ago. I actually found that I was really happy when I came off of them I have also had councelling but that didn't help at all. The most helpful thing has been cognative behavioural therapy. The only problem is after time the positive results can fade. Still, I'd definately recommend it.
I have ordered a book and CD by Paul Mckenna on hypnotherapy, I'm hoping this will help with my issues.
How about you, any suggestions?
Only a handful of my friends know of my anxiety, they're pretty helpful but they can only understand so much.
Thanks for your replies, it is appreciated.
I hope I can be helpful to you too :0)


10-08-10, 19:00
P.S. The side effects of the escitalopram were uncontrollable yawning, when I came off of them I felt really happy and positive, like being on a major high. I think that lasted for around 2 weeks.

10-08-10, 19:09
Oh and yes, I sleep fine.