View Full Version : when will it take affect...will it ever...

10-08-10, 12:53
hi guys
have been taking cit for four weeks ago...and no let up of panic/high anxiety...i am beginning to feel so so low....i just want to be back to my normal self.
i am seeing the gp on friday...should i ask her to up my dose....or do you think i should stay on 20mg for a little while longer.
your guidence and input would be so so appreciated.
many thanks as always, tracey xxxxx

10-08-10, 13:21
Best to speak to the GP Tracey as everyone reacts differently. Some are on 10mg and some are on 60mg.

You should also try other ways of trying to reduce the anxiety aswell if you are not; exercise, CBT...

Best of luck - hope you feel better soon!!

10-08-10, 13:22
thank you so much steve...its just so confusing....they started me straight off at 20mg but nothing has changed.....i am trying to do things - walk, swim etc xxxx

i just dont know wot to do...thank you steve and yes i hope so too. hope you are doing ok love tracey xxxx

10-08-10, 18:15
Hi Calm,

Is the the first ad you have been on? 4 weeks is still quite early days for taking citalopram...have you not noticed any difference at all?

I think it is good that you are seeing your GP on Friday so you can discuss your options. You have been lucky to escape the side effects that often happen when first taking citalopram.

I wish you well soon.


10-08-10, 18:47

I have been taking mine for over 2 weeks now and still get the odd day of nausea but same as you - last week I was fine but this week I feel a bit low...it is very frustrating!

HB x

10-08-10, 20:31

I have been taking mine for over 2 weeks now and still get the odd day of nausea but same as you - last week I was fine but this week I feel a bit low...it is very frustrating!

HB x

Very :wacko:

10-08-10, 21:21
hi jo...no i havent seen any changes....still high anxiety and panic attacks....i just dont know i want the girl i once was back! xxxx
im not sure if i should go up a notch i.e 30mg a day...or stick with 20mg for a little while longer.....me is confused.com.
thank you for all your posts so so appreciate it....hunnibee i do hope the nausea passes xxxxx love tracey xxxx

10-08-10, 21:47
When I saw the Doctor after 4 weeks on 20mg, I was told it generally takes 6 to 8 weeks for the full effect to take place. I've noticed a big improvement as I got into week five, so hopefully you will notice a difference soon. Best to talk it through with the Doc though.

10-08-10, 21:52
Im seeing the doc Thursday and he's already talked about upping my dose and I've only been taking mine 10 days!! I guess all docs are different!!

HB x

p.s - I think the nausea is only there because I don't eat before taking it - I never usually have breakfast....

12-08-10, 22:16
hunnibee how did you get on at docs today..sorry with everything i forgot to ask...so sorry xxxxxx
pope....i do hope that as you said the 5th week it all kicks in...fingers x for me xxxx
thank you for your replies, love tracey xxxxx

13-08-10, 21:34

Pretty good thanks, still kept on 20mg of cit as doc thinks that's working plus only been on it 13 days :)

He tried giving me diazepam and my head went "hell no!!!" I do not want that!!

But other than that all good, hope you are well too Hun and feeling a bit more "you" today!

Take care.

HB x

14-08-10, 16:07
Hi Calm,

Everyones different, and I do empathise, more than you know!

I am also on 20mg, and have been for 9 weeks now. I would say they kicked in for me halfway through week 7 - just as I despaired they never would.

I had the roughest time between week 5 and 7. More anxious than Ive ever been, and eventually gave in and took a week off. I also struggled with sweats (badly!) and yawning.

But - I cant tell you how well I feel now! I really want to encourage you to stick it out at least to week 8. I feel like the real me now - the me I havent known in at least 2 years and it feels fantastic to be normal, energetic and... hopeful.

I really wish you all the best, be kind to yourself through this next month, sleep when you need to, cry if you need to, hide if you need to - it WILL get better xx

11-09-10, 00:02
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii im sticking with them....they have upped my dose to 40mg lets hope it kicks in....thank you for your kind words and yes i will try and be kind to myself ...thank you xxxxxxx

11-09-10, 11:08
im in my 5th week today, n ive had high anxiety,, sleep disturbace, bad night swets n a gorrid burning feeling,, xx

11-09-10, 12:28
oh ellie...i havent had the side affects...and that worries me as maybe they are not working...at least you know they are getting into your system.
wot dose are you on if you dont mind me asking xxxx
if it gets too much speak with your gp....lets hope the side affects subside for you...please let me know how you get on xxxxx

13-09-10, 09:48
hi calm im upped from a 10 mg to 20mg,, xxxxxxx

13-09-10, 11:24
hiiiii ellie...i do hope the increase works xxxx let me know how you get on xxxxx

14-09-10, 12:01
Hi Calm,

Glad you're sticking in with the Cit.

Today is the start of week 4 on 40mg of Cit for me (after 3 weeks on 10mg and 3 on 20mg, neither of which were doing enough for me). I've started to see a real improvement in the last week or so, with more good days than not, and even a couple of days where I've felt as if I was almost back to my old self.

I never thought a few weeks ago that I could get here, and I really hope it starts working for you soon. Dale x

14-09-10, 12:16
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii dale..wot a positive message xxxx thank you

i have been on them for 8 weeks now...started on 20mg then increased to 30mg on the 27th august and last friday went upto 40mg. im so scared that they wont work.

can i ask you something dale...did you get obsessive thoughts before...if so, have they eased....and did you have really high anxiety and panic.

if you do not wish to answer that is just fine....but if you feel you can answer you can pm me xxxxx

14-09-10, 12:30
You're welcome, and no probs, will pm you x

15-09-10, 13:40
Hi Tracey
just tried to PM you but it is saying you need to empty your message box before you can recieve any new messages.
Thinking of you x