View Full Version : MS worries - help!

10-08-10, 13:15
Okay, so I've been experiencing some very odd symptoms including pins and needles in my hands and feet and an odd "warm" sensation in my foot occasionaly. I'm also tired all the time and I never really feel "well". I don't have any blurred vision, but I do have an abundance of floaters and some flashing lights in my vision. I also have bad constipation.

Please help, I am driving myself mad looking up all the symptoms :(

10-08-10, 15:12
Ok just to verify also I did look up these symptoms - google :( and MS was what came up

10-08-10, 15:50
Hi there

First of all, have you been to your GP about your symptoms? Googling is the path to ruin, I'm afraid. :)

The symptoms that you're describing can all very easily be caused by anxiety - I know, I've had them all at some point or other - and loads more!

Also, don't forget that MS is actually quite a rare condition. it's slightly more likely if you have a member of the family who has it, but it's not directly hereditary. My dad had MS and died when I was very young, so for years I had a complete terror of developing it.

10-08-10, 16:05
Hi there

First of all, have you been to your GP about your symptoms? Googling is the path to ruin, I'm afraid. :)

The symptoms that you're describing can all very easily be caused by anxiety - I know, I've had them all at some point or other - and loads more!

Also, don't forget that MS is actually quite a rare condition. it's slightly more likely if you have a member of the family who has it, but it's not directly hereditary. My dad had MS and died when I was very young, so for years I had a complete terror of developing it.

Very sorry to hear about your dad.
No one in my family has it that I'm aware of. I'm just really worriede that it could be that. Im 21 and on one MS website it says that you would develop the disease between 20-40 years of age :( also women are more likely to get it than men apparentley

10-08-10, 22:54
Hi again

MS is definitely more prevalent in younger people, as the website says, but even so. it's still a pretty rare condition in the severe version. There are also much milder forms of it though and there are people walking around with MS who will never know that they've got it, so live in blissful ignorance of it all their lives.

I really think you ought to go and have a chat with your GP about how you're feeling, as I'm sure that he/she will be able to put your mind at rest about this.
