View Full Version : citalopram and alcohol

10-08-10, 15:01
hi Guys,
I take 20mg of citalopram and like a glass of wine on an evening, I have found if I don,t drink anything for a few days I get more anxious do any of you think alcohol makes citalopram more potent? p.s Im not an alchoholic I just have a couple of wines a week! LOL xxxx

10-08-10, 15:30
No, I drink 7-8 pints at the weekend and no problem.. First time I had the hangover from hell though.

10-08-10, 16:52
hiya, i asked the pharmacist if it was ok and he said yes!! may make you a little drowsier or feel a bit queazy, but i get that neway lol..im on day 4 xx

10-08-10, 18:48
I cant drink on mine, i get severe dizziness and my doc told me it can make them not work & just bring on all your anxiety. I can have one glass and thats sometimes even too much.

10-08-10, 21:05
I'm like you and have a couple of glasses a wine on an evening, not every evening though. I find it helps to relax me.

10-08-10, 21:12
I take 20mg citalopram and although I dont drink, you can drink on them. It might make some people feel worse though but everyone is different so I suppose you can't really say if its ok or not!

10-08-10, 21:51
I've not noticed any difference with what I can drink and how I feel since I started the Citalopram. The first week I had to avoid alcohol as half a pint made me feel a bit strange, but by the second week it wasn't a problem.

10-08-10, 23:49
I have been taking 20mg Cit for over 4 months and found that I can't drink as much as I could before taking them my tolerence is much less than before. yeah I suppose everyone's different, I just know my limit now and stick with it.

12-08-10, 00:57
I've been on 30mg for a year and pretty agrophobic i always drink before i go out otherwise i don't think i'd make it. The alcohol is always fine, it's just the day after for me, my anxiety is 10x worse. Ofc it depends how much i drink, what i drink etc. like with a regular hangover, but it's anxiety mixed in. I would love to stop drinking because after 3/4 days of no alcohol my anxiety is 10x better! But it's hard as i rely on it too much to get me out of the house.