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View Full Version : Feeling A Little Stressed

24-02-06, 09:46
Hi All

Its probably just me getting over the last bit of my cold but i still have a bee in my bonnet about preparations for my wedding in August.

My sister's partner is someone who i just cannot stand, i tolorate him for my sisters sake. He can be very rude about people & be very very sarcastic & insulting to boot. I just feel up tight & uncomfortable in his presence.
Therefore i did'nt really want him at the wedding but my sister made such a fuss with whinging & whinning when she knows how i feel about this guy that Chris & i relented & said he could come

Chris, Mum & i have discussed this but i feel that its our day & that my sister should have respected our wishes.

Sorry for going on. I guess i have to get over it & not worry about it really


24-02-06, 11:04
alex, i no it is hard but we cannot choose who our family go out with, it is up to her. if he is bad for her she will see in time. but you wouldnt like it if she did the same on you. i no it is your wedding but things like this can stick with a family for years and it is not worth that. just let him go and see as little as possible of him on the day.

i no it is hard but im sure it is for the best that he goes or your sister may hold it against you for a long time, rightly or wrongly.

i hope he doesnt make you too uptight as weddings are to be enjoyed esp as the y cost so much money, but try your best to put yourself in her shoes

hope i have not offended you i really dont want to

24-02-06, 11:14
Hi jackie

You have'nt offended me at all I appreciate what you have said. I just wanted an outsiders point of view.

Familys eh. lol


24-02-06, 11:16
yeah. mines think im insane. maybe i am

anyway grin and bear him and be thankful hes not on your honeymoon with you. hes not is he.lol

24-02-06, 11:21
LOL No he is'nt going to be on the honeymoon god forbid. hahahahaha.

I think because the months are now flying by im feeling nervous & excited about arrangements etc. I know everything will be fine really, just feel like yelling ARGH ( lol ) a few times. hahahaha.


24-02-06, 16:40
Yes do let of steam and have a vent here.

You'll be soo busy that unless he is extrodinarily loud you won't have time to be wound up by him.

Get one of the ushers to keep an eye on him and agree to deal with him if he plays up.



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24-02-06, 17:53
Thanks Meg

Chris was saying he would ask a few of his mates to keep an eye on him. lol

As you both say Chris & i are going to be really to busy on the day to worry about things like that. We are certainly going to enjoy are very special day & thats a fact.


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